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Sunday 5 April 2020

A misty Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone! A bit of a rainy day for us, a fine mist on and off, not enough to warrant an umbrella when taking the pooches out but wet nonetheless. That's Ok. We woke up this morning and decided that today would be a lazy day. Thank you Mother Nature for helping us achieve this goal. Yesterday was a beautiful day and we spent most of it outdoors. More sun in the forecast this week.

This past week was good. Russell and I got quite a few power walks in, I managed to do two full workouts in the basement and we also had walks with Cooper & Spicy. On that front, we're doing pretty good and have a good routine in place.  As we were heading out one morning, we noticed that some critter was trying to get under our wood planters in the front. Russell was quick to put down bricks all along the planters, dug them in, put the mulch on top and voila. Looks like our abatement process worked. Nothing has been moved since.

Since groomers are closed, and it looks like they will be for a good while, we decided it was time to do some in-home grooming. Nails are done, thank you Russell. This week we will give them a bath and trim their sanitary areas. We also have the scissors needed to trim their "flipper" paws. On a daily basis, we already do the eyes, ears and check the bums for crumbs. Both have a full coat so no need to do any trimming or cutting. Again, on that front, we're good. Russell is also in good shape as he is now shaving his head every two days or so. No more trips to the barber. He quite likes it,  another successful new norm. As for me, well time will tell what I will do with my hair. I don't colour it, so it's not a problem. I just may have to grow it or attempt to cut it myself....hahaha! Anyone that knows me well will know how picky I am about my hair so I think the only option will be to grow it out if it gets to that point. The least of my worries now.

As the saying goes, if you want to believe it, it takes three weeks to form a habit. I think we're there and it is clear that moving forward there are things that we will do differently, all positive. Not just the two of us, but most people.

I've been going to the grocery store once a week, with a firm list in hand. No browsing, in and out as quick as possible, and my experience so far has been very positive in terms of feeling safe enough and being efficient. Needless to say that I apply the necessary sanitary regulations, and more.

Today, Francois Legault announced that the three week "pause" that was going to end on April 13 will be extended to May 4, to be reviewed then. Not surprising at all. On Tuesday, we will get Quebec "COVID-19 predictions". We read Ontario's so we expect similar predictions. No doubt that we're in this fight for the long run but we will get through it.

I saved the best of my blog for last.....last week, against my better judgment, we got Netflix. Thanks to my hubby for now putting up with my "binge watching", the reason why I NEVER wanted it. We don't watch much TV at all, we are music listeners throughout the day. But it was time for me to immerse myself in something that would totally take my mind away from COVID for a few hours. Reading a book just didn't do it. I am now watching two series, Ozark (thank you Melissa for suggesting it) and Wanted....thank you Nigel. I like both but Wanted is my favorite. It is witty, keeps you on the edge of your seat and the Chelsea and Lola characters are just brilliant! So far I've watched 4 episodes of each new norm, two hours a day of Netflix, for now. Heck, if it keeps me sane during these difficult times, then it's a good thing.

That's my blog for today. In next week's blog, I will talk about the island of Barbados and how they're doing. Time to feed our pooches then we have a "Facetime cocktail hour" with a friend.

I wish you all a great week. Most importantly, I wish you continued health. Stay home, it will save lives. Ca va bien aller.

Cooper and Spicy...always ready for some training...they are
amazing as they navigate the red cone maze.

How about a little 'high' jump action. Overrrrrr.

Cooper in his favorite 'on-deck' position..
surveying his Kingdom.

Cooper and Spicy taking in a little sunshine now that the
deck is open for business.

Spicy loves her lap time with Russell.

Spicy is such a snuggler...

Is Cooper having a bad hair day!?

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