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Sunday 29 December 2013

And the tradition continues...

For Christmas, we always send flowers to our parents.  This year was no different.  My parents got a beautiful arrangement for their bay window.  Russell's Mom and Dad got a beautiful Christmas wreath.  So, sometimes, traditions can continue even if life events change.

We hope you all had a nice Christmas.  Ours was quiet and nice.  We had a fire going all day, watched the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular show on DVD and had a great meal.  Russell and I saw the Rockettes Christmas show in New York City a few years ago.  It is a must see at Christmas time if you are in NYC.  What a great show for both children and adults.  We liked it so much that we ordered the DVD and we watch it every year at or around Christmas.  As for our great meal, I cooked a prime rib for the first time.  I must say that it was delicious and very tender, although I wasn't sure at first how it would turn out.  I find that cooking a turkey is much more predictable in terms of cooking time.  Our friend Darlah gave me a couple of good tips for cooking it.  So, I would cook it again.  We had lots of leftovers both for us and Cooper.

On Boxing Day, two things happened.  I joined FITT gym.  There was a big one day event and the yearly membership was 40% off.  So I decided to bite the bullet and became a member.  I still suffer from plantar fasciitis but I will deal with that in the New Year. After that, although we didn't hit the mall (there is only one in Huntsville), we went to Home Depot and bought ourselves an electric snowblower for our deck and the dog run. It weighs 25 pounds and will do the trick.  We can't wait for the next dump of snow to try it out.

The weather has been quite nice.  We went for a number of walks this past week and took in the nice winter scenery. On our walk on Friday, I took my video camera with me and took some pictures.  Russell made a fun video which I attach to this blog.  I hope you enjoy it.

It is now Sunday, 4:30 pm, and it's been a busy day.  Our good neighbours John & Terri came back from Australia yesterday.  They came over for coffee this morning and we had a good visit.  This afternoon, Sandy and Marc came over for a visit.  They brought with them their 9 year old doodle Brenna, one of Cooper's many girlfriends. What can I say, sometimes he goes for older women.....Sandy owns the doggy day care where Cooper goes every week. It was nice to have them over.  It was also nice to see Coop and Brenna play together in our house instead of her house.

Cooper is now having a nap.  He is tired for having entertained all day.  As for Russell and I , we will now relax in front of the fireplace and enjoy the rest of the day.  It is hard to believe that New Year's Eve and Day are fast approaching.  Somehow, we have lost track of time this week and I just realized that I have to get ready for yet another round of celebrations.  Next week, Russell and I will get back on track with both our fitness routine and better eating.  Just in time for our trip to Barbados in February......

This is it for the last blog of 2013.  I hope that all those affected by the Ice Storm are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  It is my understanding that some still don't have power and hope it is restored shortly.  It's been a very difficult week for many people. Having said this, I  wish you all a very happy New Year.

Art and Terry, together forever.

A Christmas floral flourish for my parents.

A quiet winters night in front of the fireplace....enjoyed!

Sunday 22 December 2013

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel!

As we approach Christmas Day, many families have to deal with the aftermath of the ice storm that hit a good part of Ontario yesterday.  Many are without power and for some, it is doubtful that power will return for Christmas.  Mother Nature sure has a way to put a damper on things.  The weather is one of a few things in life that is totally out of our control.  Most of us spend countless hours reading about the weather forecast so that we can plan our lives.  Crazy, isn't it?

Russell and I are no different.  This past week, we had to make a small change to our plans because of the impending ice storm.  We had planned on leaving Friday morning for Toronto but decided to leave on Thursday instead so that we wouldn't be affected by the storm on Friday.  Our friend Darlah gave us the push that we needed to make this decision.  So, on Thursday, after Cooper's bath, we packed our bags and drove to Richmond Hill to drop off Cooper.  We then made our way to Mississauga where we spent the past three nights.  We stayed at the Novotel near Square One. It is within walking distance to the mall and to many restaurants.

So, on Friday, we woke up feeling relaxed about not having to tackle the drive from Huntsville in bad weather.  We even took the Go Train for our hair cut appointment in Toronto.  It was actually nice not to have to drive to downtown Toronto.  Saturday, we hit the mall quite early and we were done shopping by lunch.  In the afternoon, we visited with our friends and old neighbours on Parmeer Drive.  It was the first time since we moved to Huntsville that we were back on our old street.  We had a very nice visit with Roland and Loraine and we spent a few hours talking about all kinds of stuff and reminiscing about the past.  We also took the time to visit with Ken & Keitha, our old friends from 30 years or so. It was nice to see them again. We ended the day by having dinner with Gord and Karen.  We had a good time and the food was very good.  Luckily for all of us, the roads were still in fairly good condition when we left the restaurant.

This morning, we woke up early, looked outside and decided that we would drive home regardless of the weather.   When we got to Richmond Hill  to pick up Cooper, we couldn't believe the damage that the ice storm had done to the trees.  It was both amazing and sad to see all those trees bent or broken.  I attach one of many pictures that Nathan took.  Just incredible to think what an ice storm can do to nature, let alone the damage to houses, cars and injuries to people.  The drive to Huntsville took much longer than usual as the roads were very snowy.  We took our time but made it home safe and sound.

So, here we are, back home with our Cooper.  We didn't get ice but lots and lots of snow fell while we were away.  I will say though that snow is far better than ice, both for humans and our lovely pets.

I hope that your preparations leading to Christmas go well.  As for us, it will be a quiet one, in Huntsville.  Merry Christmas to all!  Hugs from the Duncan family!

The Duncan Family....Christmas photo!

Cooper, all decked out to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Ice storm damage in Richmond Hill.....the awesome power of Nature.

Sunday 15 December 2013

T'is the week before Christmas

A little more than a week before Christmas and it sure looks like it will be a white Christmas in many parts of the country.  In Muskoka, we got a fair amount of snow last week and it's been quite cold but it is very pretty.  

This past week, despite the cold weather, we went for many long walks including this morning, even at -17 celsius.  We were all bundled up and it was nice.  Cooper had his Muttluk booties on and today we even put his coat on, the first time this year.

It's been a quiet week.  Russell and I went to the gym a number of times, Cooper went to doggie daycare on Thursday and he had a bath on Friday.  In between those everyday events, we shovelled the deck and Cooper's dog run a number of times, I baked more Christmas goodies and Russell took many pictures.  In particular, he took one of our outdoor Christmas tree when we woke up on Tuesday.  It was so beautiful with the lights still on and the snow on it.  On Friday, we also took Cooper's "official" Christmas picture as well as a picture of the three of us.  I will post those in next week's blog.

Tomorrow, I plan on checking out Motivations Fitness Gym.  After that, I hope to be able to make a decision as to which gym I will join once Good Life closes on December 20.  Although I look forward to joining another gym, I currently have a very bad case of plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  The pain is quite intense at times and basically everything I do aggravates it.  I suppose if I stayed off my foot for a few weeks it would go away.  Easier said than done.  From what I read, it can take months to a year before it goes away.  Sweet!

My dad has recuperated well from his surgery and he is almost back to his old self.  My mom is doing well also.  They lost a dear friend last week and it was a reminder that life is short.   

We will be going to Toronto and Mississauga later this week for a couple of days.  We have hair cut appointments and we need to do some shopping for our trip to Barbados in February.  We will also catch up with some friends and old neighbours.  We look forward to it.  Cooper will be spending a few days at Camp Talemaker and have his own fun.

This week, I thought I would share a few pictures that Russell took of our Christmas tree.  I am also including a few pictures of Cooper snow surfing.  I will now sit by the fireplace with my two favorite guys and rest that foot of mine.  Have a great week everyone!

Cooper's stockings are hung on the tree and mantel...lucky dog!

The tree from Sandhill..a very full tree.

A wise over the tree.

Outside after the snow squall...7:30 AM.

Cooper is ready for take off ears a flipping!

Crash landing or snow be the judge.

Sunday 8 December 2013

I'm back

I've been  blogging since May 1, 2011 and never missed a week until recently.  Suddenly, our lives got busy and I wasn't able to write my blog last Sunday.  A little recap of the past two weeks is in order. Since my last blog, lots has happened.  First, and most importantly, my dad was admitted to the hospital on Friday, November 29.  That is the day that we actually left to go to Montreal for the weekend.  Our timing couldn't have been better in the sense that we got to visit him in the hospital and spend time with my mom.  As a result, our trip got extended.  After a week of tests and waiting, my dad finally had his gallbladder removed yesterday and was released from the hospital a few minutes ago.  He is happy to be back home and my mom is happy to have him back.

So, our trip to Montreal was going to be about having a pre-Christmas celebration and instead we spent a lot of it at the hospital.  Such is life sometimes.  Russell did manage to have lunch with his sister and aunt. As for me, I also got to see my sister and brother and we had lunch with my mother in between visits to the hospital.   Mom and I even did a little shopping together.  It was actually nice as we don't get to shop together very often.  While we were away, Cooper was at Camp Talemaker having the time of his life.  He even got to meet a new 10 week old puppy, Leti, who flew all the way from Prague and now lives with Darlah and Nathan.  Leti is the cutest puppy ever.  She looks like a little plush toy that is alive.  Courtesy of Darlah, I am including two pictures that she took while Coop was playing with the dogs.  He truly has a great time when he goes there.

The day before we went to Montreal, we went to the Red Barn in Barrie for a good part of the day for some indoor agility.  I include a few pictures that Russell took of us in action.  We had fun and we look forward to another indoor agility session this winter.

This past week was crazy busy.  We had a lot on the go including our first ever attempt at the sport of pistol and revolver shooting.  Cathy and Larry are members of the Huntsville Pistol and Revolver Club and invited us to give it a try.  Much to my surprise, it was a lot of fun.  After Larry took us through the rules and regulations of firearms etiquette, we got started.  We fired .22 and .40 caliber pistols and a .45 caliber revolver, a Colt 45 revolver to be precise - it is Cathy's, go figure.  It was like a shoot-out at the O.K. Corral, with shells flying all over.  It goes without saying that we had ear and eye protection.  My ear protection even matched my blue top.....(that was a fluke, truly). We then had lunch at Cathy and Larry's  place in Dwight.  They have a beautiful log home on a private lake.  It was a really nice day.

On Thursday, we went to Sandhill Nursery and bought our Christmas trees, for inside and outside.  This year, we chose Fraser Fir trees. They are beautiful trees.  I decorated the inside tree yesterday afternoon.  If Cooper likes the tree, he doesn't show it.  He doesn't even go near it, which is a good thing.  So, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house.

That's about it for this week's blog. I have a mishmash of pictures this week. That's what happens when I miss a week of blogging.  Next week, I will include Christmas pictures.  I hope your Christmas preparations are going well.  Have a great week everyone!

Anne getting ready to strap on a pistol!

Russell doing his best "Dirty Harry".!

Bonnie and Clyde, Huntsville style!

Cooper flying around the obstacle course at the Red Barn!

Anne working her magic, Cooper knows how to hover!

Cooper daring any Hav to play with him!

Cooper loves his Camp Talemaker buddies....