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Sunday 24 February 2019

Oscar Night

Happy Sunday everyone! Oscar night, for those who are interested. Me, I'm only interested in watching the stars hit the red carpet, just for fun. Many of them will have spent the past few days detoxing, wrapped in some kind of contraption to eliminate the excess fat that they think they have so that they can fit in their clothes, last minute botox, all that good stuff that make them look too good. Fake as I call it. To each his own. I'm writing my blog, wearing my leggings and a cozy top and I am so comfy!

This past week was good. Russell continues to improve.  He no longer uses his cane. Since last Friday, he is now doing the stairs the normal way, as opposed to one step at a time. Although he has one more in-home physio session this coming Friday, Russell will start private physiotherapy in the next few days. The private treatments will focus more on increased range of motion and manual therapy. I will drive him for the first couple of sessions until he gets the go ahead to drive from his surgeon, in about 10 days. The spasms are still an issue but are much less frequent. Russell actually spoke to his surgeon last week and he said it is totally normal. The pain meds are a thing of the past except for the odd one from time to time. This is not to say that there is no more pain. There is still some pain that never completely goes away but it is manageable. One day, that too will be a thing of the past. Next on Russell's agenda: regain his cardio strength. He will go back to the gym once he can drive again. It's all coming together.

As for me, I'm good. I went to the gym four times last week. It felt good. I'm back on track although I find my energy level is a bit off but I do the best I can. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Our weather continues to be crazy. It is what it is. I will say though that the few mild days that we had last week gave me the opportunity to chip away the thick layer of ice that we had on our front walkway. It's nice to finally be able to see the pavers.

Our pooches are doing good. I haven't walked as often with them lately due to the icy conditions. Instead, I've had some fun play sessions. Today, we played "target" and the "find it" game. They both enjoyed it.

That's my blog for today. Next blog will be in March! Have a great week everyone!

Spicy and Cooper say, "Woof...who is at the door?".

Nothing like a good chew between sessions of retrieve.

Spicy says...mine...these are all mine! This happens each time
fresh enzymatic dental chews are put about hoarding.

Cooper is a frisky guy with his chews on the
bed...he loves to romp!

Spicy looking pretty for her visit at a
seniors residence. She loves her time spent
as a therapy dog.

A Havanese "Wall", Macey, Blu-Belle and Cooper are lined
up for treats from Lillian during Fun Obedience.

An aerial view of Spicy and Cooper living the
sweet life.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Stairs and more

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. For many of my friends across the country, tomorrow is Family Day, so this is an extra long weekend. I remember when I was working, I so enjoyed this February holiday. It was a nice Winter break.

This past week was good. Russell had a good birthday. It was a quiet day, surrounded by his three loves.  Valentines Day was also lovely.  Russell got me a beautiful flower arrangement, which was actually delivered on his birthday. He was concerned about the impending storm so he didn't want to take a chance.  On that note, last week brought a mix bag of weather, from freezing rain to snow, then rain. We managed through it all, no problem. Soon, Winter will be a thing of the past. Today is sunny and a tad cool but that sun sure is getting warmer. I was out with the pooches earlier and found myself unzipping my puffy coat. And what about those longer, so noticeable now. It's all good.

Russell is doing really good. Today is Day 31 post TKR surgery. Following last Friday's physiotherapy session, it was determined that he no longer needs the cane for walking, unless he feels tired and for going up and down stairs. Russell is now doing the stairs on a regular basis. This means that we moved our grooming table back to the laundry room. Life is returning to some normalcy. This morning, Russell felt that he had turned another corner in terms of overall stiffness and pain. He feels much more limber and the pain/discomfort has lessened. The pain meds have diminished greatly. The only issue that he has are those involuntary leg spasms that he gets sometimes, mostly during the night. They are normal and will go away soon. Having said this, I can tell you that those spasms wake me up...that's how forceful they are. They don't seem to bother the pooches though. They sleep through them.

So, it's all good and it can only get better. Today actually marked Russell's first outing since his surgery on January 17.  I drove him to the mall and he got a hair cut. He felt totally comfortable being out and about with his new knee. He sees his surgeon on March 6, at which time he should get the go ahead for driving.

So, that was our week. This coming week is busy for me...Spicy and I will visit two seniors homes, Coop and I have Fun Obedience training, I have my monthly osteopathy tune-up, I plan to go to the gym four times, the pooches will get a bath, Russell gets a deep tissue massage and another physio treatment. And the sun is supposed to be shining for at least the next four days. Doesn't get any better than this.

I leave you with some snapshots that I took last week. Have a great week everyone!

Russell's birthday cake with Spicy and Cooper wishing
for a licking!

A picture tells 1000 words...
plans for a visit to Ireland and Scotland and
a dram or two of whisky.
 Happy Birthday Russell.

My Valentine bouquet...lovely roses in a
special vase.

Cooper ready for some play action downstairs...
love this happy face.

You can always count on Spicy to nab the biggest chew...
she loves them!

Healing nicely at day 31 post surgery...50
surgical staples held it
vitamin e cream will work its magic.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Day 23, growing stronger

Happy Sunday everyone! A beautiful, sunny day and it makes me realize how long the days are getting. As I'm writing my blog, I am noticing how our living room is still bright at 4:25 pm. No need for lights whatsoever. I also noticed this morning that I don't have to turn on the outside lights when I take the pooches out, same after their dinner. There is light at the end of the Winter tunnel after all! I choose to think that way, regardless of how much Winter we may have ahead of us. I had an epiphany sometime last longer sweating the small stuff, whether it's related to weather, things people do or say and everything else in between. One of my Facebook friends (someone I actually know and worked with) posted a very good Snoopy cartoon this morning. You will see it below. Very revealing I think.

All is good with my hubby. Today is Day 23 post surgery and Russell is doing really well. The compression sock is history. The scar is looking really good, I will have a pic next week. He now walks around the house unassisted, although the cane is never far away, but that's OK. Russell probably now limps as much, no more for sure, than before he had his TKR. That about sums it up. Having said this, the pain of this surgery is still lingering, although diminishing slightly every day,  and the daily exercises truly require a lot of effort. Think about it...having your quadricep muscles torn apart and reattached to a prosthetic knee is not an easy feat. Russell's daily workouts now are all about rebuilding strength around the knee...squats, lunges, etc.  He has regained most of his flexibility. His physiotherapist is quite impressed. I do think that he prefers going to the gym than doing his rehab exercises!

Otherwise, life is good. Our pooches are doing well. I had a good walk with them today. When we got home, we sat in front of the TV to watch the Westminster Dog Show, specifically the Master Agility Competition. In the 8" competition, there was a Havanese competing. He was two years old, such a cutie. Cooper and Spicy quite enjoyed watching the show.

This coming week will be filled with two special events: on Tuesday, we will be celebrating Russell's birthday. It will be quiet given the circumstances but Coop, Spicy and I will make sure the day is a special one. On Thursday, we celebrate Valentines Day. Another cute day on the horizon!

That's my blog for today. I wish you all a wonderful week and Happy Valentines Day!

Cooper and Spicy cheering on the agility competitors at the
Westminster Kennel Club Agility Masters.

Spicy and Cooper made sure they had the best seats in the
house to view the Westminster Kennel Club show.

Spicy and Cooper enjoy the maze of snow paths that
Mommy shovels...quite the workout.

Cheering on Daddy with his physio routine....come on
two more, three can do it.

Truer words are seldom spoken! Amen Snoopy!

Sunday 3 February 2019

Game Day!

Super Bowl Sunday! In less than two and a half hours, the biggest football game of the year will take place. Oh so exciting, especially with the Patriots playing. I'm not a football fan during regular season but I do enjoy the games leading to Super Bowl....and I do enjoy watching Tom play.

So, here we are, on this first Sunday of February. I'm happy January is behind us, worst month of the year for me. February is usually pretty good, with Russell's birthday and Valentines Day, although I will be glad when we're into March. It will mean that Russell's knee will be that much better.

On that note, Russell continues to improve. His swelling is way down, his mobility and flexibility have improved greatly. He can bend his knee at 90 degrees now, on his own. He has graduated from using a walker to using a cane, as per his physiotherapist recommendation. He can walk unassisted although it is not recommended yet so he does it for a few steps only. At this stage of his recovery, it is easy to overdo it and this can lead to a set back. So, easy does it Russell. Although he did practice stairs at the hospital (that was a requirement for his discharge), he has not yet gone into the basement. The physiotherapist will do stairs with him in a week or two. The pain is still there, no doubt about it, however we are cautiously optimistic that Russell has turned a corner on that front. The past two nights have been his best and the days are much better. I can see it in his eyes and his overall demeanour. Today is Day 17 post surgery. So far, the new knee is doing what it's supposed to do. It's all good.

Other than that, all is good with us. I went back to the gym last week and it felt good. It was nice to see my buddies and get the body moving. The one thing that we take from Russell's surgery is the importance of being functionally fit, especially as we get older. Russell's overall body strength and musculature are playing a huge role in his recovery because of that. Don't need to go to the gym for that, it can be done at home but it's so important. So, when I don't feel like working out, and it happens, I do it just for that reason.

Our weather hasn't been that bad. We were expecting a huge snow storm last week and got nothing. It was a pleasant surprise for me when I woke up as I fully expected to have to shovel paths for the doggies. Freezing rain and rain on the way for the next few days though.  Our temperatures have been nice enough for me to take Coop and Spicy on a few walks in the neighbourhood.

Coop and I had Fun Obedience class last Tuesday and boy was it fun! There were only three dogs that day so we had lots of opportunities to practice new things. We were both exhausted when we got home. Tomorrow, the Spice girl and I will visit the residents at Wellesley. Our pooches continue to provide Russell with the best therapy that he so needs.

That's my blog for today. I wish you all a great week! Go Pats Go!

Cooper and Spicy are ready for the big you can not
tell who they are supporting?!

Backyard amigos...Spicy and Cooper easily navigate the
miles of paths I clear for them!

Two for the road...all booted up and ready to walk the
neighbourhood....Cooper and Spicy are a delight to walk.

Russell pedalling to a place called...nowhere,
this is all about stretching and rebuilding
muscle strength.