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Sunday 28 January 2024

Saying goodbye to January

Happy Sunday everyone! It looks like it will be a cloudy and mild day. We got some freezing rain one day last week and it's been mild ever since. We're hoping for some sunny days this week. We all need that vitamin D. The days are definitely getting longer. 

This past week was a bit of a rollercoaster for us. In my last blog, I mentioned that I was making homemade meals for Cooper in the hopes to entice him to eat more. To our disappointment, it was short lived. Coop's appetite decreased quite a bit so we started giving him Cerenia as an appetite stimulant. Thursday, we added Mirtazapine as advised by Dr. Javard. We've been in touch with him throughout the week and will have a further follow up this week. So far, the stimulants are not working the way we thought they would.  This is not good news. Cooper is eating a bit but not much. I spent most of last week trying to figure out ways to make him eat, to no avail. Needless to say, we feel helpless, frustrated and heartbroken. As a result, Cooper's energy is not as high, his bowel movements are terrible but he remains well hydrated, which is important. Yesterday, I bought a rotisserie chicken and he had a little bit of it with rice. Nothing smells better than a store bought roast chicken. We do what we can. We will see what this week brings. 

Spicy is holding her own although she's having more difficulty finding her legs at times. She is very floppy. When I pick her up from the bed to take her out during the night, she curves into my arms, feeling safe and loved. She had a bout of diarrhea so she's on metronidazole for a few days. Otherwise, unlike her best friend Cooper, her appetite continues to be good, not as voracious as it's been though.

Other than dealing with these issues, our week was good. On Monday, Errol came for a visit. It was nice to see him. He was happy to see Cooper and Spicy. On Thursday, I had a spa pedicure and Russell had his on Friday. A little bit of self care is always good for the soul.

Tomorrow will mark 6 years since my dad left us so suddenly. He would be devastated to see our pooches struggling with their health. He loved them so much. I miss him every day, even more so these days. 

Those are my little news for this blog. Today's football games will determine who will be in the super bowl, very exciting. I leave you with a few random photos of our duo taken last week as well as the last photo that we took of my dad with my mom before his passing. It was Christmas 2017.

Have a great week everyone! We will say goodbye to January and welcome February with open arms!

Side by side always and forever.

Cooper says, how do you like my snow-stache?

Spicy chilling in the backyard.

Did someone say it is 3 o'clock, you must 
mean it is treat o'clock?!

Dad and Mom at Christmas 2017. Together then
and together now forever watching over us.

Sunday 21 January 2024

A special birthday

Happy Sunday everyone! It's another cold morning for us but I believe that the rest of the week will be much warmer. It's been an acceptable Winter so far.

This past week was good. Our routine with the pooches hasn't changed much. Taking both out twice during the night seems to be the norm now. This is something new for Spicy, most likely due to the steroids. Sadly, we are noticing a change in her. Her vestibular signs are more pronounced and at times she seems disoriented. Her appetite is voracious. She still enjoys the snuffling mat activity and looks for every crumb that might have been left behind by Cooper.  She is a sweetheart in every way and we treasure each day with her. 

Cooper saw Dr. Javard last Wednesday. His recent GI issues are caused by a combination of medications and not enough nutrients.  Despite trying every trick in the book, store bought dog food is no longer on the Coop's list of things to eat. Dr. J gave us 18 recipes to try, all using Hilary's Blend Supplement. I have landed on a couple that are relatively simple to make. Failing that, we will have to use an appetite stimulant. So far, the new food prepared by Chef Anne seems good enough to eat. Let's see where that takes us. Otherwise, Dr. Javard is simply amazed at how well Cooper's heart is responding to the meds. We also treasure each day with him. 

The rest of this blog is dedicated to Jim, Russell's very first boss, who is celebrating his 90th birthday today. Jim, I know you read my blog so Russell wrote something special for you:

"Reflecting on the past 42 years since our paths first crossed fills me with profound gratitude. Your role in offering me my initial job marked the beginning of a career journey that I cherish deeply. It is truly awe-inspiring to consider the immense impact you've made on countless individuals both within and beyond the healthcare sector. Equally significant is the legacy you have cultivated through your sons who have embodied your integrity, work ethic and high moral standards in their own professional pursuits. The role Carmel played in shaping their upbringing undoubtedly contributed to the pride you must feel in the exceptional individuals they've become. Through your grandchildren, your legacy will live on. On this special day, we extend our sincere best wishes. May you take the time to savour every moment and bask in the well-deserved celebration of a life well-lived. All the very best! Anne, Russ, Cooper & Spicy"

That's my blog for today. Have a great week everyone!

Happy Birthday Jim!

Spicy says, I am not tilting at windmills!

Mr. Majestic!

The cedars got a light frosting of

Sunday 14 January 2024

Half way through January

Happy Sunday everyone! We've been up since 5:30 this morning. It was one of those restless nights for our pooches. We took both out at 2 am then Spicy started panting at 5:30 so we decided to take them out again. It was time for Cooper's first pills of the day anyway. I made a big pot of coffee and here we are.....Russell is catching up on the overnight news, our duo is napping and I'm blogging.

This past week was quiet. We had a couple of snow events but somehow, in Beaconsfield anyway, we managed to escape the bulk of it. That wasn't the case for my friend Linda who lives up North. They got hammered. Yesterday morning, I woke up thinking I would have to shovel our way out but nothing fell overnight. It was a nice surprise. We did get some snow during the day but it was quite manageable.  We're half way through the month and the days are getting's a good thing. 

Russell got his cortisone shot on Tuesday. His knee feels much better as a result. He meets with his surgeon on March 4. By then, he should have a good sense of when his knee replacement surgery will take place. 

Spicy is relatively stable although her resting respiratory rate is now higher as a result of the steroids. This was to be expected. It is still below 30, ranging in the 20-24 from 8-12.  We were in touch with the neurologist last week who was pleased at how Spicy was responding to the dexamethasone. The goal is to provide her with the lowest effective dose to minimize long term effects. It's a catch-22 kind of situation. Other than that, our little girl seems in good spirits and eats extremely well. 

Our Cooper's GI issues are acting up. His appetite continues to be less than adequate. We will be seeing Dr. Javard this coming Wednesday to see if he can shed some light on this. His resting respiratory rate is stable so that's good. Otherwise, he also seems in good spirits.

As for me, I'm plugging along. The days are brighter and it makes me feel good. We got an email from our accountant the other day in preparation for the upcoming tax season. A sign that Spring will be at our door step soon 😂 I also happened to look at our passports which I thought were expiring in 2026. They will expire in March 2025. Since we have no travel plans for the remaining of Cooper and Spicy's precious short lives, we decided to renew now, for 10 years. That will bring us to 2034....crazy!

There is some cold weather on the way this week,  nothing like what the West is enduring at the moment. It's now 7:35 and Spicy just poked her hear around the kitchen island. She wants breakfast 😂 I better get on it. 

Have a great week everyone. Stay safe and warm. 

Sofa time on a snowy day!

Crossing paths.

Backyard cleared  and the snow banks are smaller 
this year.

Hey, you! You know it's breakfast
time don't you!

Spicy leaves no crumb behind while Cooper
looks on in amusement.

Cooper was not impressed with the Habs 

Sunday 7 January 2024

A lazy first week of 2024

Happy Sunday everyone! We woke up to a nice layer of fluffy snow, the kind that is best removed with a broom. It is our first snow since the big dump of a month ago. 

This first week of January was kind of lazy although we entertained twice. On Thursday, Gerda and her sister came over for lunch. It was lovely to see both of them and we had some good chats. Gerda loves travelling so it was nice to hear of her many adventures. She lost her beloved Havanese Tre a few months ago. He was 12, Cooper's nephew, both sharing the same heart condition. She has been and continues to be a great source of comfort to us.

Yesterday, our friends and neighbours Paul and Marie came over for a drink. We hadn't seen them for a while. It was good to catch up. They will be grandparents in a few months, exciting times ahead for them. 

The rest of our week was quiet. The golden care that we provide Cooper and Spicy does come with some emotional and physical challenges so I would lie if I said that Russell and I are in the perfect place at the moment. We cherish every day we get with our pooches and we are grateful to be able to have those simple, lazy days with them. 

Cooper continues to be stable although his appetite could be better. Just when we think that we have found the perfect food mix for him, things change so we adapt. Spicy is also relatively stable. The two main side effects of the dexamethasone is panting, which is a little worse, and increased appetite. If it was up to the Spice girl, she would be eating all the time. I find her hovering around me in the kitchen expecting to eat something. We feed her normal portions but we have caught her eating some of Cooper's leftover food. Too funny. 

Russell finished sorting out most of his coins and found a reputable collector. They have been in touch for a few weeks now and have agreed to a transaction. Interesting process.

This month is busy with appointments for us starting with this week. I have a dental appointment first thing Tuesday morning. I will be getting a crown on that tooth that caused me some problems back in the Spring. Russell will be getting a cortisone shot for his knee. It should provide some relief until surgery down the road. Wednesday, I have a bone density test. Dental hygiene appointments for both of us next week. Then February will bring some fun moments...Super Bowl, Russell's birthday and Valentine's Day. 

Those are our little news for this first week of January. I leave you with some random pics taken last week and two photos of Gerda's visit. She truly enjoyed the cuddles that Cooper and Spicy gave her.

Looks like a snow day for us, perfect for watching football, some doggie snuffling and something on Netflix. Last night, our HABS won! Linda and I were happy campers! Have a great week everyone!

Guess what time it must be....Spicy
always knows it is time to eat.

How do you say, totally relaxed...Cooper
is the definition of relaxed in this moment.

Spicy chilling in one of her many
spots but always in her favourite 

Peas in a pod, these two are often 
caught lounging in this position.

Coop and Gerda exchanging family secrets while
Spicy gives hugs.

A special moment captured during a wonderful
visit with another Havanese lover.