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Sunday 31 March 2019

Welcome April!

Happy Sunday everyone! A cloudy day, a bit cool, with some rain this morning but sunshine for the rest of the week and warmer temperatures. Tomorrow is the start of a brand new month....which means we go to Barbados in 11 days. We're getting excited. It's been a long Winter, seemed even longer due to Russell's knee surgery but it's behind us now.

This past week was good and busy. For me, my week started with a 2000 meter row challenge at Orange Theory on Monday. I knew about this challenge and was dreading it but I did quite well for a Monday morning. It took me 8 minutes and 41 seconds. We were told that we should be able to do it under 10 minutes although 7 minutes or so seems to be the average time. Perhaps a goal for next time?

Russell also went back to the gym on Monday, first time since his surgery. He felt good about it and doesn't seem to have lost his stamina. He continues his twice weekly physio sessions.  He got some good advice about what to do in Barbados...walking the beach will be good but in moderation due to the uneven surface. Swimming will also be good but he needs to be mindful of the scar so it doesn't get too soft. Little tips to keep in mind.

On Tuesday, the Coop and I had a fun training session. We practiced  something new called "directed jumping". There were two obstacles set up and Cooper had to jump over a specific one based on my signal. Not as easy as it sounds, trust me. It was fun .... and Peter, the trainer who was replacing Wanda that week, said she would be impressed LOL!

Friday, Russell and I decided to take advantage of the mild weather and chip away the ice on the patio. We couldn't believe how thick the ice was. We have lots of outdoor cleanup to do, hopefully before we go away. I'm hoping that next weekend will truly bring warm temperatures so that we can hose down the driveway, remove the covers on some trees and maybe set up the deck with the table and chairs.

Today, we had Russell's aunt over for lunch. It was nice to see Auntie Lorraine again. She looks good and the doggies were happy to see her.

That's my blog for today. I wish you all a great week. Watch your back tomorrow, you never know what April 1 will bring!

Auntie Lorraine with Spicy and Russell with Cooper...
a nice lunch and visit.

Cooper ready for action at the Fun Obedience training

Two happy faces...waiting for Auntie Lorraine.

Spicy eyeing the chopped eggs on the counter top,
smells like something good.

Partners in crime...the kitchen is the place to hang out.

Snug as a bug in a rug.....that is how Spicy rolls.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Hello Spring!

Happy First Sunday of Spring everyone! It's starting to feel like Spring, the snow is melting rapidly, we have grass patches in the backyard, it's all good!

Russell and I are getting ready for Barbados, mentally. In just a little over two weeks, we will be dipping our toes in the ocean. In the next week or so, I will start freshening up the shorts and t-shirts. I bought the sunscreen and other essentials for the trip. Russell got himself a big straw fishing hat. It has some UV protection and looks kind of cool on him. I'll have to take a photo. I got myself some new sandals, comfortable, not "granny" looking but comfortable with a nice heel. I can't wear high heels anymore. Those days are done. I believe in comfort first, fashion second. If I can have both, than it's a bonus.

On the topic of trips, we were busy last week booking our trip to Scotland and Ireland for this coming Fall. We originally planned on going in 2020 but then thought "why put off till tomorrow what we can do today".  We will visit Scotland by train, on the Belmond Royal Scotsman. From there, we will go to Ireland and spend a good amount of time between Dublin and Cork. Thanks to our friend Pat Murphy for helping us with our preliminary plans. The various hotels, flights and trains are booked. Next is to plan the day trips. We will look for more advice from Pat and also Patricia and Mike, who have been to Ireland many times. More on that in the months to come. It will be a trip to remember, fitting for Russell's 65th birthday in 2020.

Russell continues to do well on all fronts, following his knee replacement surgery. He is amazed by the fact that he no longer has the constant knee pain that he had prior to the surgery. Whatever discomfort he now has is resulting from the workouts, physio and the rebuilding of the muscles surrounding the knee. As for me, I'm good also. I've been going to the gym four times a week for the past few weeks. It feels good.

Cooper and Spicy are also doing great and look forward to their vacation at Camp Talemaker in a few weeks. Coop and I had a fun training session last Tuesday. Spicy and I had a great visit at the Wellesley Retirement Home.

Yesterday, we watched Bohemian Rhapsody. Wow, what an amazing movie! Today,  I helped with a Dog Therapy Evaluation for Caring Paws. I always enjoy volunteering for the evaluations and watching how the dogs do. To think that one year ago, Spicy and I were being evaluated for the program. We certainly enjoy bringing smiles to the people we visit.

That's a wrap for today. I wish you all a great week!

Spicy and Cooper found the first patch of grass in the backyard,
not sure how they feel about it...let the muck begin...
snowballs on paws are very much overrated.

Nothing like sprawling out to watch a good movie...Spicy
and Cooper seem to enjoy Bohemian Rhapsody LOL!

Spicy enjoys her spot on the sofa - a
morning ritual...breakfast and a nap.

Spicy on her blanket, fireside at the
Wellesley Retirement Residence...
she loves her seniors visits.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Happy St-Paddy's Day!

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. This week will mark the arrival of Spring, how good is that! It doesn't matter if we get more wintery weather, we know it will end soon.

All is good with us. Russell is doing extremely well. It's a little over eight weeks since he had his knee replacement surgery and it's almost a thing of the past now. This past week has brought progress by leaps and bounds. We were actually reflecting on that this morning. Russell saw his surgeon last week and all is excellent. He sure is happy to have had this surgery, no regrets.

This past week was busy, as it's been lately. We seem to have a knack for filling up our schedule with all kinds of stuff. That's OK. In about four weeks time, we'll be in Barbados and our time there will be very relaxing.

Last Thursday, I had my very first pedicure. Ever since that day, I've been asking myself why did I wait so long to have one? It was blissful in every way. My feet thoroughly enjoyed it and so did I. I'm addicted, what can I say. I already booked the next pedi, which will be just before we go away. I can hardly wait!

Last Friday brought a full day of Spring. Our temperature was up to 11 Celsius, I was out with the doggies in a t-shirt. It felt so good...but the rapid meltdown made for a very wet backyard. Such is life. We can' have it all. I snapped a few photos of Cooper and Spicy prior to that meltdown. They were enjoying walking on the snowbanks...those are halfway gone now.

This past week also brought some very sad news from New Zealand. Such a terrible and senseless tragedy. I woke up this morning thinking about it. I also was thinking that, during those difficult times, Russell and I feel so blessed to have Cooper and Spicy in our lives to make the bad go away in a doggie way. They make every day special. On that note, you have no idea how excited I was when I found the "Irish" fascinator for Spicy. I had been looking for a little something for their St-Patrick's Day photo. We already had the bow tie for Cooper. You see, when I do something like this, I forget about the not so good things that are going on and it's a good thing.

That's my blog for today. Although it's St-Patrick's Day, we are having Greek food tonight. Go figure. My brother is here for his birthday dinner, Greek he wanted. A typical mezze platter as an appetizer and a moussaka for the main course, all home made. Yum and Yummer. BUT....we have a Guinness Cake for dessert. It's all good.

Have a good week everyone!

Spicy in her fascinator and Cooper with his bow tie...
wish everyone Happy St Patrick's Day!

Cooper is very dapper with his emerald green bow tie!

Spicy loves her fascinator...she is so trendy!

Cooper loves the hard packed snow mounds.

New places to explore...Spicy and Cooper in their element...
unmarked territory.

Cooper says....did you sniff this is fresh.

What could be better than a Guinness
spice cake with green glaze to celebrate
Saint Patricks Day!

Sunday 10 March 2019

Spring Forward

Happy Sunday everyone! Well, Daylight Saving Time has begun and is here to stay for the next eight months or so. The longer and brighter days have arrived and it makes me feel good.

This past week was good, a bit cold but that sunshine was out pretty well every day. Yesterday was a particularly nice day. I took Cooper and Spicy out for a walk, then came home and sat on the bench in the backyard. Russell joined us. It was nice to just feel the sun on our faces.

Russell is doing really good. His physiotherapy sessions are tough but make a difference. He goes up and down the stairs no problem, and can carry a laundry basket while doing so. That's progress! Last Wednesday, we went to the surgeon's office for the follow-up appointment, only to be told that the doc had an emergency and couldn't make the appointment. It's been rescheduled to this coming Wednesday. No big deal.

On Tuesday, Cooper and I had our weekly Fun Obedience Class. He so loves those classes, so do I. On Wednesday, Russell and I decided to move up our departure for Barbados by a couple of days. We are really "itchy" to go. In a matter of minutes, I changed our plane tickets and even called the hotel in Barbados directly to make sure they could accommodate us. Everything is set, just a little over four weeks now. On Thursday, Spicy and I visited the Maywood retirement residence and got to see Russell's aunt. We hadn't seen her for a bit so it was nice to see her.

This coming week is crazy busy with all kinds of appointments in addition to going to the gym and all.  I also have to deal with our income tax returns, as well as my parents' estate tax returns.  And, believe it or not, I will have my very first pedicure on Thursday! More about that in next week's blog.

That's it for my news, I wish you all a great week!

Russell, Spicy and the backyard
enjoying the sun

Tongues out please and sure enough...
Cooper and Spicy hit it on cue.

Now...hold still for a photo,
Cooper and Spicy are such posers.

Spicy on a dog therapy visit to the Maywood, loved
to sit on auntie Lorraine lap. The ladies loved their time with us.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Hello March!

Happy first Sunday of March everyone! I can't believe that the first two months of the year are behind us. As much as I'm happy to have the bulk of Winter behind us (yes, I'm optimistic), I wish that time would slow down just a little.

This past week was good. Russell's new knee continues to perform the way it should. He had two private physiotherapy sessions last week and he can see a difference already in his range of motion. Having said this, the intensity of the treatments is causing, shall we say, some discomfort, but "no pain no gain" as the saying goes. Russell has two sessions per week booked for the next four weeks. On Wednesday, we see the surgeon....I say "we" as I'm tagging along. We are a team after all. All things being equal, Russell will be given the go ahead to drive, although on Friday, I "let him" drive to the physio clinic. There were no issues but Russell did notice that his new knee is not used to the driving motion so he is working on it.

On Tuesday, Cooper and I had a really fun Obedience Class. We did a rally course, our second time I think, but this one included some novice and advanced signs. We did quite well and, most importantly, we had fun. Today, instead of going for a walk, I practiced some of the things we learned last week, with both Cooper and Spicy. A fun afternoon.

Our weather this past week was beautiful, nothing but sunshine but on the cold side. Other than a few sprinkles of snow tonight, there is lots of sunshine again for this coming week. The temperatures are still on the cooler side but that sun is getting really warm.

On Saturday, I ran a few errands and picked up some new treats that I had ordered for our pooches...Crunchy O's, grain-free, made by Fromm. They come in three flavours: Cheese, Blueberry and Pumpkin. Only two calories per treat....and they look like Cheerios, with a hole in the middle. Oh boy, they were a total hit! We often use plain Cheerios as treats. I always use those when Spicy and I visit the seniors. It is a treat that doesn't smell and they are easy to give out.

Not much else is going on with us other than in six weeks, we will be leaving for Barbados. We are looking forward to it. It will be good to get away.  Russell is excited at the prospect of walking on those sandy beaches with a new knee. I'm excited just to go away and do nothing for two weeks.

That's my blog for today. I wish you all a great week. For many, it is March break so enjoy whatever you are doing!

Cooper and Spicy very patiently pose with their new treats...
Fromm Crunchy O's...Cooper loves the Blueberry, Spicy the
Cheese and the Pumpkin and..well they both
love all of them!
Cooper at station 1 on the Rally Fun Obedience course...
Cooper and I had a blast!

Station 10...looks complicated but we mastered it...
Cooper is a smart boy and loves to perform.

The entire Rally course is impressive and a stimulating
challenge for everyone involved, humans and canines

How do you spell dog tired...try Havanese Conga line...
Spicy and Cooper like to spread out.

The mounds of snow in the backyard make a perfect vantage
point to checkout the action on the street...Cooper and Spicy
take full advantage of their light weight to mount the banks.