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Sunday 26 April 2015

Warmer weather on the way....

This past week was very dismal weather wise.  We had a short blast of Winter on and off for a few days with snow, ice pellets and strong winds.  Luckily, the snow didn't last but we did wake up one morning with snow on the ground.  Despite all this, the trees are budding and the grass is slowly perking up. There is warmer weather on the way though, and it is my feeling that it will be here to stay.

We had a quiet week and didn't do much outside.  Russell blew the leaves yesterday but that's about it.       I wanted to buy a container of pansies for the deck but the weather was too cold.  Maybe this week.

The earthquake in Nepal is on many people's minds right now.  Such a terrible tragedy.  So many lives lost, such devastation for those that survived.  This tragedy especially hit home since two Huntsville residents arrived in Nepal just before the earthquake as part of a charitable mountain-climbing expedition hosted by Dream Mountain Foundation.  One of them is Kelly from FITT Gym.  She has been my coach since I started Bootcamp last fall.  I was relieved to hear that she is fine, although she suffered some minor injuries from falling debris.  Kelly and her team are together and have made camp outside their hotel in Katmandu where they have food, water and shelter.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this.

This coming week will be busy.  We will be going to Toronto on Thursday for our hair cuts.  Friday morning, we fly to Montreal for the weekend to visit my parents.  I look forward to seeing them.  It's been a while.  Russell will have lunch with his aunt Lorraine on Saturday.  He looks forward to seeing her also.  While we're away, Cooper will be at Talemaker Camp having a good time.

I leave you with a couple of pictures that I took of Russell and Cooper yesterday.  I was watching them from the Muskoka room and they both looked as if they were pondering life.  Perhaps they were.  I also include a picture that Russell took of a resident pileated woodpecker that we have in our backyard. Pretty cool to watch and hear. Finally, I thought it would be fun to include a picture of the Coop dirty.  I bet you never thought you would get to see him that way.  It doesn't happen often...this photo is two years old.... I wish you all a great week.  May is just around the corner!  Go Habs Go!  Big game tonight.

Russell and Cooper mount the stump to ponder life.

Who are you looking at?!

Pileated woodpecker using the dead hollow tree to sound for a mate.

Look at me....I rolled and romped in the muck!!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Spring cleanup...almost done!

Happy Sunday everyone!  Another beautiful sunny day to enjoy.  The snow is now completely gone.  Wow, it's hard to believe that it just went away in a matter of a few weeks. Yesterday, we started our outdoor Spring cleanup.  We raked Coop's dog run and I cut back the dead wood on the perennials.  I noticed that many of our plants have started to grow back....nice to see that they survived the harsh Winter.  I have a bit more cleanup to do in the front but for the most part, we're done.

After my Bootcamp class this morning, I went to the grocery store and noticed that they have containers of pansies. I may buy one this week just to add some colour to the deck.

This past week was good.  Russell's shoulder/back problem is somewhat better.  He decided to go to the chiropractor and resume the spinal adjustments that he used to get when we lived in Mississauga.  A couple of neck cracks seemed to have helped.  He will continue going for a while.  Cooper is doing great.  Russell and I always comment on how good a dog he is.  Sure he has his crazy and totally funny moments and he likes to bark sometimes....but he is a wonderful and very smart dog.  I can't believe that he will be four years old next month.  I still remember the days when he was just a puppy.

The hockey playoffs have started and we both have been watching the games.  We don't really care about hockey during the regular season but we enjoy the playoffs.  My mom is a true Habs fan so she is watching the Habs/Sens series with great interest.  I do hope the Habs win this series.

We don't see the deer much on our property during the Winter because there is too much snow but now that the snow is gone, they are back.  We have a group of six that hang out on our septic berm. One morning last week, they were just outside our bedroom window.  Because the windows were open, Cooper could hear and smell them.  It was 6 early wake up call.  Cooper's tail was wagging with excitement but he wasn't barking.  All he wanted to do was go outside and tell them to get off his property!

That's it for my blog this week.  We're going for a walk now with the Coop.  When we come back, we will sit on the deck and enjoy the sunshine.  Have a great week everyone!

Russell with Cooper sitting in his favorite spot!

Cooper on his second most favorite spot...the stump!

Cooper says...look Mom there is more over on the left.

Always helpful, Cooper leads the way to the gate.

It is nice composting down the hill on our 5 acres.

Sunday 12 April 2015

An afternoon on the deck

Happy Sunday everyone and what a beautiful Sunday it is!  First real warm day in a long long time! We've been sitting on the deck since lunch time.  I'm now taking a quick break from the sun to write my blog so it's going to be a short one......

All is good with us.  This past week went by like a flash.  Cooper went back to doggie day care on Thursday and he was glad to see Brenna again.  He had a good time and was very tired when we picked him up.  I went to the gym every day except Friday, which is my day off.  I had some really good workouts this week.  I pushed myself a little harder than normal and it felt good.  Russell also went to the gym but he currently has a shoulder/back problem that bothers him.  So he is careful about what he does and will look after this issue this week.

We went for a number of walks with the Coop.  We were happy to see that the Fairy Vista trail is now virtually all bare.  That is good news for dog walkers.....bare trails keep doggie feet clean.

The snow is melting and evaporating incredibly fast.  It's just amazing how it all goes away so quickly.  Cooper is now looking for the last tiny spots of snow in the backyard to do his business.  In a day or so, those will be gone so be ready Mister Cooper.....the grass is all that you will have!

Not much else is happening.  Once the snow is completely gone, the yard work will start.  I look forward to seeing what plants have made it through the Winter.

I spoke to my parents this morning and they are doing well.  We look forward to seeing them in a few weeks.  Hopefully Russell will get to see his aunt during our visit to Montreal.

That's it for this week's blog.  Sorry folks, but the sun and the deck await me.  I think it may even be time for a nice glass of wine, don't you think?  Have a great week everyone.  Hopefully your weather is as nice as ours.  Enjoy!

Anne and the Coop catching some rays!

16 C feels sooo good, think we'll cat nap!

The Coop at his post, surveying his kingdom...on alert!

Nothing better that a rowdy game of toy duck retrieve. 

Copper always brings the duck back...always!

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter! Joyeuses Paques!

We woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise and the sun just keeps on shining.  Such a nice day for Easter Sunday and great weather to enjoy an outdoor Easter egg hunt if you're having one.  We might just have a little fun with Cooper later and hide some treats in the backyard....

This past week was a great one, highlighted with the Neil Diamond Concert on Thursday night.  And what a concert it was!  The Diamond sang for two hours, non stop, accompanied by a 13 member band.  Despite being 74 years young, his voice hasn't changed one bit and he is still full of energy.  He mostly sang the songs that we all know and love and threw in three new ones from his recent album.  He sang Sweet Caroline towards the end of the show and the audience sang along with him.  I have goose bumps just thinking about it.  It was the kind of show that just makes you feel good.  Thanks to my hubby for getting the tickets.....row 6 and VIP pre-show cocktails.  It was a beautiful night!

We picked up the Coop at Camp Talemaker on Friday morning and made our way to Huntsville.  The traffic was rather heavy due to the long weekend but we made good time and got home at 11:30. We were amazed to see how much snow had melted in the short time that we were gone.  One day, soon, we will wake up and the snow will be all gone.

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of having Eve, Pernell, Heaton and Brodie, and of course Phoebe the cocker spaniel, over for lunch.  It was nice to see them and especially nice to catch up with Eve.  Cooper and Phoebe got along really well.  Phoebe is 13 years old and loves playing in the snow.  She seemed quite comfortable in our house.  The weather cooperated and we were able to spend some time on the deck.  Eve and I even enjoyed a glass of wine outside.  Thanks guys for taking the time to come and visit.  We enjoyed it very much!

This coming week will be a quiet one, not much on the go.  Cooper will go back to doggie day care on Thursday.  He hasn't been for a while so he looks forward to seeing his friend Brenna, the doodle.

That's it for this week's blog.  I hope you all enjoy your Easter Sunday.  I leave you with a few photos from the concert and some taken yesterday.  Of course, I have to include one of Cooper wishing you all Happy Easter!

Cooper wishes everyone Happy Easter!

Anne and Eve sharing a laugh on the deck.

Catching a few rays with wine is always in style.

Russell, Anne, Eve, Brodie, Pernell and naturally Cooper. 

Brodie, Heaton and Pernell a handsome backdrop for Eve and Anne.

Phoebe and Cooper testing the snow depth.

 Neil Diamond....close your eyes and he is as magical as ever!

A classic Neil Diamond pose!