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Sunday, 2 December 2012

It's beginning to smell like Christmas...

I do not consider myself a baker, as a matter of fact I can't say that I like baking that much but I do enjoy baking at Christmas time.  I especially like sharing my baking with friends and family.  As always, Russell makes himself available to try the cookies when they come out of the oven.  As for Cooper, well, what can I say, he watches me in the hopes that I will drop some crumbs on the chance of that happening my friend!  I am ever so careful, especially if I bake with chocolate, which is a big no no for dogs.  All this to say that I started my Christmas baking today. A little bit of Christmas music has helped put me in the mood.  So, it's been a good Sunday, although a rainy one.  The snow that we had has all melted.  I never thought I would say this but I much prefer snow to wet and soggy grass.  Cooper has been out a few times despite the rain but not for long.  He doesn't care much for the rain.  I do hope that we will get snow again before Christmas.

This past week was uneventful.  For the most part, it was cold and cloudy but we did get quite a bit of snow.  The plow came twice in one week.  We went for a few walks and Cooper got to wear his Muttluks.  He has not forgotten about them since last year.  When it was time to put them on, he simply got on the couch and we put them on.  He was, however, hopping and prancing all over the house with his boots on.  He is truly a funny dog with such an amazing personality!

We started decorating our house for Christmas.  We bought a few wreaths for the outside doors and one for inside.  Our stockings are up, waiting to be filled......I had a few Christmas teddy bears and wasn't sure where to put them so that they were out of Coop's reach. Russell found the perfect place for them:  in the nook of one of our beams.  They look down on us and Cooper cannot reach them, although he thinks he can.  I will take some pictures in the next few weeks.

As promised, I attach a mug shot of Russell taken with his "Moustache".  He went a little over board and  grew a full beard.  He then trimmed it to what you see in the picture.  He will keep it until his Mom sees it then it will come off, so he says.  I don't mind either way.

This week will be busy.  We will be visiting with our family and Cooper is off to Camp Talemaker.  Last night, I was reading Darlah's blog and some of the comments that people have posted.  Lori, who owns Scruffy, referred to Nathan and Darlah's place as Camp Talemaker.  I quite like that.  It is a fun place for our dogs to go to and have lots of fun, in addition to being so well taken care of.   So that is where Cooper will be for a few days this week.

That's about it for this week's blog.  Russell is watching football, Cooper is having a nap before his dinner, and I may start a new book.  I wish you all a good week and hope your holiday preparations are going well.

Christmas cookies anyone?!

A Huntsville chin warmer.....grown for Movember!

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