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Sunday, 25 March 2018

Lazy Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone! For us, it's a lazy day although we went for a nice walk at Morgan Arboretum. Other than that, we're not doing much. Neither are our two pooches as you can tell from the photos today. Russell and I are a little tired. We haven't slept too well for the past few nights. That's because our little Cooper is suffering from a case of dietary indiscretion, as it is called in the doggie world. He is much better today but he's kept us up during the past few nights. He should be back to his old self in a few days and we will hopefully return to uninterrupted nights.

This past week was quiet. The weather was beautiful although a tad cool. It's been nice to have that stretch of sunny weather. Our snow is melting very quickly and I noticed some buds in our trees. Our neighbourhood racoons are back, living in our neighbour's tree. A sign of Spring.

Today, we booked our trip to Italy for July. We will be going to Rome and the Amalfi Coast. It will be the perfect place for us to celebrate my birthday...the big 60. Oh my, I can't believe I will join the sixties club in a few months. It truly makes me want to slow down and enjoy each day.

Not much else is going on. This coming week will be a bit busy for both of us, with a few appointments here and there. I will attempt to go to the gym three times. I haven't felt much like working out lately. Russell has been going on a regular basis and I applaud him. He's also seeing an osteopath for his knee. It's been acting up again. He needs to get that knee better for those walks on the Barbados beach in a few weeks.

That's it for my blog. I wish you all a great week, a short one for many people, with Good Friday being a holiday. We will be having my brother, sister and her two sons over for Easter lunch. We look forward to it. It will feel strange not to have my parents with us. Have a good one!

Cooper and Spicy know when it is pizza delivery
time and they keep watch of the front door.

Cooper sure knows how to sprawl out to make himself
comfortable on the sofa in the TV room.

Spicy is an expert at "digging in" to find the comfort
she likes the, secure and all tucked in - in
a word, nested.


  1. Cooper, feel better soon. Love seeing pictures of Cooper and his buddy Spicy. So nice that they have each other. Time to start packing for Barbados. Enjoy the weather.
