Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this Summer long weekend. Ours has been quiet and the weather not so great. Yesterday, we had rain most of the day. Today is a better day and the sun is now out. I was thinking earlier today how quickly the Summer is going by even though July has just started. When we have rainy days like yesterday, and we can't be outside, it makes me feel kind of depressed. So, we're on the deck now and we will eat outside tonight.
This past week was a good one for us, not as good for my mom but she is very slowly on the mend. She had surgery on her fractured hip on Monday. It went well. It was done with an epidural so she remembers everything...the surgeon using a saw and some screws to fix the hip. She told me it was a good experience...really mom? Although the surgery went well, the rehabilitation will take time. She was transferred to a rehab centre on Thursday. With the holiday weekend and all, she will not start physiotherapy until Tuesday. In the meantime, she has been out of bed with the help of an orderly and sits on a chair throughout the day. She has not walked yet. When I say that Summer is going by quickly, it sure will feel that way for my mother who will miss a good chunk of it while she is at the rehab centre. We wish her speedy recovery.
In the meantime, my parents' move to the retirement home is taking place on Wednesday. My dad is busy with the last minute preparations and we are all helping. I will be at their condo first thing Wednesday morning to make sure the movers do their job properly, then I will spend the afternoon and most of Thursday unpacking. It is my plan to have everything unpacked before end of day Thursday or sooner. I've done this more than once.
As for the four of us, all is good. Spicy has adapted extremely well to her new home. She is a delight in every way, such a fun and happy dog. Cooper's Kingdom is now hers as well, of that there is no doubt. She has found her favorite spots and is used to our daily routine. Cooper doesn't mind sharing his home with the Spice girl. They play, they have their quiet moments and they are never far apart. It is quite heartwarming to watch. We love them both to pieces. When one gets a hug, the other one gets one too. Everything we do is doubled :-) How wonderful is that!
Since it was raining yesterday, I thought I would introduce Spicy to a little bit of agility, specifically the hoop. I set it up at the lowest level and lured her to walk through the hoop. I always use the word "through" for this piece of equipment and she was starting to get it. At first, she walked around it, but eventually she walked through it. We will eventually work up to a jump. It was a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon. Oh, and we did some basic training too and worked on the "touch" command.
That's it for my blog today. My dad is coming over for dinner and he will stay the night. It will be a nice change for him and he will get to visit with his two favorite Havanese. This coming week will be crazy busy for me with the move, as well as visiting my mom, and for Russell who will be holding down the fort in my absence. But we will both get some down time together on Saturday....we will be going to the Old Port to see Le Cirque du Soleil's latest show, Volta. We look forward to it. Cooper and Spicy will be spending time at Chez Winston. Tracey can't wait to meet Spicy.
I leave you with some pics of our two pooches and one of our basswood tree in the front of our house. At this time of year, that tree produces a verbena type fragrance. It is simply divine! Have a great week everyone!
Cooper and Spicy...rainy day couch potatoes! |
A tangle of Havanese post breakfast napping... under the kitchen table in case there are crumbs. |
Front window vigil....Spicy and Cooper on alert. |
Who wants a treat? |
Can I have your attention...seems I have it!! |
Cooper flies through the hoop (too low for him) while Spicy demonstrates 'touch'... coming and touching your hand when called. |
Spicy making her way through the hoop. |
Spicy makes it all the way through....good girl! |
GOOD girl Spicy! |
The very fragrant basswood in bloom... drive by and have a sniff! |
Love these photos.