As per our long standing Labour Day tradition, we are smoking ribs for dinner tonight. Russell started the fire on the Big Green Egg at noon and put the ribs on at 1 pm. They will be ready by 6 pm, then we will put them on the barbecue and baste them until we're ready to eat. Needless to say that the smell is making us feel hungry and the Coop keeps hanging around the smoker wondering when he will have a piece of whatever is cooking. His patience will be rewarded in due time.
All is good with us. We had a good week and it went by very quickly, as always. We've been living here for over two months now and we have found our groove, so has Cooper. He now truly has his favorite places in the house, goes in his crate just like he used to and feels totally at home. We can just tell by watching him. Yesterday, we were sitting on the deck, then I went in the house to get something. I came out a few seconds later to find him in my chair. Little rascal that he is. What did I do? I sat in another chair of course.
Russell enjoys going to the gym and working out with his trainer. She has really helped him with his joint issues and he notices a difference in his knee when he walks. I'm happy about that. This coming week, he will join the local photography club. It's time to resume this hobby that he loves so much. As for me, although I like Gold Gym, I've been disappointed as they have cancelled a number of classes lately. I tried to cancel my membership but I couldn't. Despite that, I decided to join another gym, Energie Cardio, also close to home, which also offers a lot of classes and they are never cancelled. I got the Senior's Discount, so a pretty good deal. So, I alternate between the two gyms, I know, kind of crazy. Aside from the gym, I am looking into doing some Obedience Training with Cooper offered by the Lakeshore Dog Training Association. It's always good to reload some skills and I think that the Coop would enjoy it. If we take (and pass) two levels of Obedience Training, I can then become a member of the Association, which is something I would really like to do. So, more about this in the weeks to come.
That's about it for this week's blog. We are sitting on the deck now, salivating at the thought of eating those ribs in about three hours. Yum yum!
Have a greet week everyone and enjoy the long weekend!
Coops says, nothing like curling up in my favorite chair... Anne's muskoka chair, when she leaves it. |
Cooper loves his dental chew snack, it is his version of high tea! |
That squirrel just won't come, Cooper waits. |
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Cooper takes his seat at the dinner table, 2 placemats, 3 chairs! |
If you want to try something different, put your ribs in foil brushed with BBQ sauce in the oven at 325 for 3 hours. Open & put on BBQ for 10 minutes & brush with BBQ sauce. Amazing