I've been blogging since May 1, 2011 and never missed a week until recently. Suddenly, our lives got busy and I wasn't able to write my blog last Sunday. A little recap of the past two weeks is in order. Since my last blog, lots has happened. First, and most importantly, my dad was admitted to the hospital on Friday, November 29. That is the day that we actually left to go to Montreal for the weekend. Our timing couldn't have been better in the sense that we got to visit him in the hospital and spend time with my mom. As a result, our trip got extended. After a week of tests and waiting, my dad finally had his gallbladder removed yesterday and was released from the hospital a few minutes ago. He is happy to be back home and my mom is happy to have him back.
So, our trip to Montreal was going to be about having a pre-Christmas celebration and instead we spent a lot of it at the hospital. Such is life sometimes. Russell did manage to have lunch with his sister and aunt. As for me, I also got to see my sister and brother and we had lunch with my mother in between visits to the hospital. Mom and I even did a little shopping together. It was actually nice as we don't get to shop together very often. While we were away, Cooper was at Camp Talemaker having the time of his life. He even got to meet a new 10 week old puppy, Leti, who flew all the way from Prague and now lives with Darlah and Nathan. Leti is the cutest puppy ever. She looks like a little plush toy that is alive. Courtesy of Darlah, I am including two pictures that she took while Coop was playing with the dogs. He truly has a great time when he goes there.
The day before we went to Montreal, we went to the Red Barn in Barrie for a good part of the day for some indoor agility. I include a few pictures that Russell took of us in action. We had fun and we look forward to another indoor agility session this winter.
This past week was crazy busy. We had a lot on the go including our first ever attempt at the sport of pistol and revolver shooting. Cathy and Larry are members of the Huntsville Pistol and Revolver Club and invited us to give it a try. Much to my surprise, it was a lot of fun. After Larry took us through the rules and regulations of firearms etiquette, we got started. We fired .22 and .40 caliber pistols and a .45 caliber revolver, a Colt 45 revolver to be precise - it is Cathy's, go figure. It was like a shoot-out at the O.K. Corral, with shells flying all over. It goes without saying that we had ear and eye protection. My ear protection even matched my blue top.....(that was a fluke, truly). We then had lunch at Cathy and Larry's place in Dwight. They have a beautiful log home on a private lake. It was a really nice day.
On Thursday, we went to Sandhill Nursery and bought our Christmas trees, for inside and outside. This year, we chose Fraser Fir trees. They are beautiful trees. I decorated the inside tree yesterday afternoon. If Cooper likes the tree, he doesn't show it. He doesn't even go near it, which is a good thing. So, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house.
That's about it for this week's blog. I have a mishmash of pictures this week. That's what happens when I miss a week of blogging. Next week, I will include Christmas pictures. I hope your Christmas preparations are going well. Have a great week everyone!
Anne getting ready to strap on a pistol! |
Russell doing his best "Dirty Harry". |
Ready....aim....aim....fire! |
Bonnie and Clyde, Huntsville style! |
Cooper flying around the obstacle course at the Red Barn! |
Anne working her magic, Cooper knows how to hover! |
Cooper daring any Hav to play with him! |
Cooper loves his Camp Talemaker buddies.... |
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