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Sunday 5 January 2020

A slow start to the new year

Hello everyone! Happy first Sunday of 2020! I hope the holiday season was a good one for all.

This past week brought a full case of the flu for Russell and I. Last Sunday, we were under the weather but thought we would dodge the bullet....that wasn't the case. We spent the week either in bed or on a couch, wrapped in blankets,  in between tending to our pooches. We turned a corner yesterday and have been feeling better since. I read somewhere that this year's flu season is a tough one, I believe it. I can only imagine how much worse we would have been if we hadn't gotten the flu shot. Lots of fluids, rest and cuddles from the dogs were the best remedies!

It's a thing of the past now and we are getting our energy and appetite back.  Today, we had our first walk with Coop & Spicy in over a week. It felt good to be outdoors and get the body moving again.

The timing of our flu recovery couldn't be better. Tomorrow, Russell plans on going back to the gym and I get to join a brand new fitness studio. Having said this, neither of us will be running a marathon any time soon. This flu has depleted our energy level quite a bit so we will be smart about it and go at our own pace.

On Tuesday, Cooper and I resume Fun Obedience classes. I was hoping to practice a few things with him during the holidays but I wasn't able to. We will do what we can and have fun.

It's a short blog today, not much news on this first week of January. I wish you all a great week!

Icy snow at the park today and open waters on Lake St Louis...
nice day for a walk...sunny and crisp.

Cooper and Spicy at the cross roads on one of the backyard

Cooper resting up in a comfortable blanket....
keeping an eye out for us as we recover.

Spicy likes to curl up in a blanket and she too
kept an eye on us.

FedEx delivers even in snowy conditions..New Year's Eve

The backyard cedars got a nice dusting
of fresh sticky snow.

A winter wonderland after the snow on NY Eve, 10 cm of snow

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