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Sunday 22 December 2019

Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noel!

Happy Sunday everyone! A beautiful, Spring like day, with just a touch of snow on the ground. It may not be a whitish Christmas after all...some mild temperatures on the way for the next few days.

Here we are, just a few days before the big day. We're ready for Christmas. Tonight, I will take the turkey out of the freezer, leave it in the fridge overnight and start the thawing process tomorrow. It's a big bird, 20 pounds. I will put it in the oven on Wednesday, at noon, it will be ready by 5 pm, will let it rest for one hour, then dinner will be served at 6 pm or so. My sister, her two sons, and my brother are coming over. It will be a nice family dinner. We will miss our parents, mine and Russell's, but they will be in our thoughts, as they always are.

Now that we have Winter Solstice behind us, we can look forward to longer days. Lots of sunshine on the horizon, so the few minutes of sunlight that we gain every day will be noticeable. It's all good.

This past week was relatively quiet. Our weather was nice but very cold for a few days. We didn't walk much. Yesterday, the temperature was -10 celsius, no wind, so we ventured out for a walk. It was beautiful by the lake. It felt good to be out, getting some fresh air, good for the soul. Cooper and Spicy enjoyed it and didn't need to wear booties. Today was another great walk, much warmer than yesterday.

Russell had his last workout of the year last Friday. He's off now until January 3. As for me,  I decided to try out a new fitness studio in the new year. I start on January 6... a new year, a fresh start. It's in Pointe-Claire Village, literally five minutes from our house. I will give it a try and see what happens. The classes will be similar to Orange Theory but on a smaller scale....the workouts will be based on the HIIT concept, High Intensity Interval Training.  I found myself needing a change of scenery so we'll see. I will miss my buddies at OT though.

That's about it for this pre-Christmas blog. Russell is watching football, interesting games at this time of year. Cooper & Spicy are having a nap...more like patiently waiting for dinner. I'm reading a good book and listening to music. We are still playing Christmas music, sporadically.

The four of us wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

Our Family Christmas photo 2019.... we
wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Spicy and Cooper wish all their furry friends a Merry
Christmas filled with lots of love and treats.

The Christmas tree downstairs....
lots of goodies for Spicy and Cooper!

Ice is building up on Lake St. Louis...
nice scenery.

Cooper, Spicy and Russell stop for a
quick photo on our walk in the park.

Wonderful ice patterns on the shoreline
of Lake St. Louis.

Backyard bench nicely draped in fresh fallen snow!

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