Happy Sunday to all! Our day started quite soggy but it's clearing up now and I'm writing my blog on the deck. Got to enjoy every minute of the Summer....once you start seeing Fall Mums in the grocery stores, you just know what's around the corner...
This past week went by so fast, I can't believe today is Sunday. We seem to always have something on the go these days and the next two weeks won't be any different but it's all good.
Cooper went back to Chez Winston for a play date. He seems more comfortable at Winston and Tracy's house. He apparently was in a playful mode as he ran away with a pair of socks that he found in one of the bedrooms. That's what we like to hear. Tracy always posts photos of the dogs playing on her Facebook page and we appreciate that. It's nice for us to see Coop in a new environment and he seems happy.
On Friday, Russell and I went to the 2nd annual Montreal Ribfest held in Pierrefonds. What a yummy way to benefit the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island. We bought ribs from three vendors and ate them at home for dinner. My brother joined us and we literally pigged out...no pun intended. He stayed over much to Cooper's delight.....the Coop loves nothing better than to wake up overnight guests in the morning.
Yesterday, we had a small family gathering to say hello to my cousin Rick and his family who are visiting. They live in Alberta. The last time I saw Rick was probably 20 + years ago. It was nice to see him again after all those years. I also go to see my uncle Ron and aunt Lil, and cousin Roger. Long time no see.
We heard from the people that bought our house in Huntsville. They have seen lots of wildlife since they've been there but the main attraction has been black bears right on the septic berm of the property. I wish we could have seen that when we lived there, I bet Coop would have loved it. Their dog Gibson, like his predecessor Cooper, apparently loves to lord over his domain. Can't blame him.
Today, I finished all the planting in the back yard. Next on the agenda is to get some landscaping done in the front and a bit in the back. We hope to get that done in the next month or so. Other than that, we're in good shape. I just have to buy a few Fall Mums to decorate the front of the house.
We are now enjoying the sunshine and a nice breeze, although it is quite warm out. Russell got a Facebook memory from two years ago today...it was +9 in Huntsville and we had the fireplace on. What a difference two years make.
That's it for this week's blog. This coming week will bring the visit of my good friend Eve. We look forward to seeing her. I wish you all a great week and wish our Canadian athletes continued success...the Women are doing exceptionally well!
Montreal Ribfest. |
The winners, Ribs Royale, so yummy! |
Winston on the couch, Sonam who is visiting,
in his doggie bed and the Coop wanting to play. |
Coop's favorite place in the house,
this time he's leaning against the sofa, always checking out the neighbours. |
Anne and cousin Rick. |