I can't believe that today is the last day of May. This month went by very fast for some reason. We've had some cool days and some very hot days. Very inconsistent weather. We woke up this morning to a cool + 6 celsius. It has warmed up some and the the sun is shining.
We had a good week. I planted more Coreopsis and Blue Catmint in the front. I also replaced a plant that our friendly deer munched on. If you look closely at the picture below, specifically towards the deer's behind, you can see the plants that have been "clipped" almost to the ground. I planted some ornamental grasses instead which the deer do not like...so far anyway. On the topic of planting, I will be helping Terri and the Horticultural Society of Huntsville by planting annuals around our little town this coming Tuesday. I will take pictures for my blog next week. Should be a fun day!
During one of our walks last week, we came across a painted turtle. I must say that for a turtle, it was going at a pretty fast pace but we were able to take a picture. Cooper was fascinated by it. He was not so impressed though when he saw a porcupine outside our fenced backyard this morning. This is probably one of the things that we dread the most....the Coop coming face to face with a porcupine. I shiver just thinking about the damage that the quills can do to a dog, or any animal for that matter. We are always on the lookout for critters because we know they're around but, so far, none have made it inside our fenced backyard, that we know of.
You may remember from last week's blog that I was stopped by a RIDE Program on my way to the gym last Sunday morning. At the time, I thought it was interesting that the program was on so early in the day. Well, on Monday, I heard on the news that two drivers got a 3 day suspension and two drivers had their licence and car taken away. All this between 9:15 am and 10:00 am. Wow!
The end of the road for our Mini Cooper will be this coming Thursday when we will return the car to the dealership. We've had some good and not so good moments with it. The yellow Mini will be missed in Huntsville though. We can't go anywhere without people noticing us and knowing our whereabouts. That's what happens in a small town.
That's about it for this week's blog. I wish you all a great week and a good start to June!
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A male Luna moth...4 inch wing span... on front porch! |
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A little nap after munching on the perennial gardens. |
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This porcupine made a slow escape up the tree from the carport! |
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Safely up the tree, Cooper continued to watch and sound the alarm. |
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A painted turtle on the run! |
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Bye, bye Mini Cooper! |