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Sunday, 2 February 2025

Welcome February!

Happy Sunday everyone! We woke up to a frigid -23 Celsius this morning, at 5:15 am. It is now up to a balmy -21C! Sherlock and Merlot didn't take long to do their business...on three paws. It takes a lot of balance to do # 2 that way LOL! 

Regardless of the cold, we are welcoming this new month with open arms. With all the disturbing news that has been surrounding us, we need to focus on some positivity....Spring is just around the corner.

We had a good week. Russell saw his surgeon last Monday. She was impressed with his knee flexion and overall recovery. Next visit is in one year.  There is still some swelling, not that noticeable to the naked eye but it's there and will likely go away in 6-9 months. Totally normal. Otherwise, Russell is off to the races, thanks to the best surgeon and his dedication to the physio regime. Well done! 

Our sweet boys are doing well. We are noticing some small changes in their behaviour. Merlot is now displaying a little bit of independence. When we watch TV at night, he often will go to our bedroom as if to settle in for the night. It's too cute. Sherlock is becoming quite the cuddler. He loves to stretch on my legs while I read or watch something on my iPad. It's his new thing now and I find it so endearing. They both love to join Russell on the couch in the morning when he stretches his leg.  They are such good boys 💕

That's my blog for today. Wiarton Willie, a Canadian groundhog, just predicted an early Spring.  Cheers to that! Have a great week everyone and keep calm. 

These two love to have fun and frolic...Merlot is
airborne in pursuit of Sherlock.

Morning knee stretch and it is Sherlock and
Merlot adding a little resistance to enhance
the effort...thanks Boys!

Merlot on his 'recharger'  blanket by the TV room one gets passed him.

Sherlock takes a well deserved nap!

Sherlock has his "snuggle spot" laying across my
legs while everyone chills in the afternoon.

A new toy box for the growing collection of
"chewables" for the Boys....they know how to 
get the toys out...need training on how to put
them back.

X-ray images of bionic knee number two, surgeon
is very pleased and says all is perfect.

The picture of perfect patience...
these two were so very special...
this moment captured
February 5th, 2022.

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