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Sunday, 26 January 2025

Goodbye January

Happy Sunday everyone! We woke up to a warm -3 Celsius, a far cry from the -20 of yesterday morning. It's been quite cold lately but manageable.  We live in Canada so we should be used to this by now LOL!

This past week was quiet, as are most weeks in the heart of Winter. January is coming to an end and it just flew by. February will be a busy month filled with some fun stuff like the Super Bowl,  Russell's birthday and Valentine's Day. We are planning an overnight getaway in Montreal for Russell's special day. It's always fun to play tourists in your own city. 

Russell had another physiotherapy visit on Friday and got his report card, which he will bring to his surgeon tomorrow. He passed with flying colours. Moving forward, he will carry on with private physio sessions. All that will be discussed with the surgeon tomorrow. Today is day 54 post surgery.

I had another deep tissue massage therapy treatment on Monday. The focus was on the myofascial release of the Psoas muscle, which is very tight. Aging is not always fun but better than the alternative 😏

Our sweet boys are doing well. Sherlock has grown quite a bit since we got him, not in weight but in length and height. We think he is full grown now. We call him our handsome little man. Merlot stopped growing and is about 1/2 pound less than Sherlock. We call him our pretty boy. He will finish his Grand Championship this year, which was interrupted when he got Leptospirosis last August. We count our blessings to have these two munchkins in our lives 💕

Not much else is new in the Duncan household. We've been snacking on those Sumo Mandarins, apparently only available in the Winter. They are so good and juicy!

That's it for this last blog of January. Have a great week everyone!

There is not enough space on this couch for
both of us! 

Sherlock and Merlot on lookout...they have it
covered in both directions.

The Boys looking for Russell...

A new routine, bring all the toys out
for some play time in the kitchen!

Sherlock has found his comfy spot
in the TV room.

Merlot enjoys a good nap after dinner and this
seems to be his favourite chair.

Time for the afternoon "stare down" 
from these two...enough screen
time Mom!

Cooper and Spicy loved to romp and run the 
hurdles in the backyard...March 6th 2021.

1 comment:

  1. Merci allons de l' avant pour février..Espérons le meilleur de la vie jour après jour.
