Happy Sunday everyone! It's hard to believe that it's June already. Time needs to slow down, at least a bit. It's a beautiful morning. We've been up for a while. The pooches are having a pre-breakfast nap, Russell is catching up on the news and I'm writing my blog.
All is good with us. Cooper continues to do well on the meds although it is affecting his appetite, which is to be expected. He now takes 12 pills a day, up from 6 just a few weeks ago. He is totally off kibbles now, only wet food, with a topping of white rice and chicken that I cook. We are now feeding him at the same time as Spicy in the morning, which is later than what he's used to. That seems to work better for him. His RRR is stable, I measure it every other day. Overall, Coop has more good days than not so good days. When he grabs his enzymatic chew, we know it's a fantastic day 😊 Russell and I are on an emotional roller coaster but we are strong. One day at a time.
Last Wednesday, Russell's long time high school friend, Brian, came for lunch with his wife Janie. They hadn't seen each other since the early 90's. There was lots of catching up to do. We had a great time and it was truly nice to see him again. Then, on Friday afternoon, our neighbour Marie came over for a drink. We sat on the deck for a couple of hours, chatting away. It was nice.
As in many other parts of the country, we had our first heat wave of the season on Thursday. For two days, we didn't do much. I sat on the deck with the fan on. Our pooches went outside only to do their business. Then Friday night, at around 2 am, I took Cooper out and the temp had dropped to 12 Celsius. I was only wearing shorts and a T-shirt. It was rather fresh! We resumed our walks yesterday.
Not much else is going on with us. Our trip to Italy seems like a lifetime ago. We have fond memories of that vacation and are grateful that we got to go when we did. With Cooper's worsened heart condition, we have no more trips on the horizon. That's OK with us. We are quite happy to stay home and enjoy each day with our duo.
This week will be a busy one. On Tuesday morning, Coop has a follow up appointment with his internist, Dr. Javard, who has the latest medical info on Cooper. The goal is to review and discuss how to best manage his GI issues while taking all these heart medications. Both of us will go and we will bring Spicy with us. It is a family affair after all 💗
On Thursday, weather permitting, Eveline and Macey will host a Havanese get together. It will be an opportunity for all of us to remember our good friend Lillian. She never missed those gatherings. Cooper and Spicy look forward to seeing their Havi friends again.
That's my blog for this first Sunday of June. I leave you with random pics of our duo taken last week. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the raging forest fires.
Have a great week everyone!
Something smells good on that BBQ, will we get a taste? |
Who says watched pots never boil... Cooper says he smells chicken in that pot.
Just lounging in the TV room.
Cooper in fine form with his chew and on alert on the deck.
Spicy loves her comfort and a spot to keep an eye on everything. |