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Sunday 28 July 2019

Dog Days of Summer

Happy Sunday everyone! Another hot day in the neighbourhood. A few minutes ago, we had a brief rain shower while the sun was shinning. I didn't see any rainbow but I'm sure there was one somewhere. The past few days have been hot but today is the hottest so far. That's OK, we can deal with it. No walks for the doggies and quick trips outside. As for us crazy humans, we still spend time on our deck, in the shade of course, and enjoy the Summer.

This past week was good. Monday was my birthday and it was a wonderful day. Spicy and I attended a Havanese gathering at Eveline's house in the afternoon. This was the fourth "Havanese Huddle" and it was fun. Spicy got to see her relative Sparky (they share the same dad) and got reacquainted with Blu-Belle, Macey, Jazz, Ella and Bella. It was fun for the humans and canines...and there was a birthday cake for me! Carrot cake, the best, thank you Eveline! We missed Cooper who was home recovering from a nasty bug. Russell took good care of him while we were gone. Spicy and I got home at about 4 pm. I spent the rest of my birthday relaxing with my three loves. There is no better way.

The rest of the week was quiet. We had some lovely walks with the doggies. I went to the gym four times, as usual, and I'm now 2,768 meters short of completing the Rowing Challenge of 14,942 meters, to be done by July 31. I hope to do it in my classes Tuesday and Wednesday. It will truly depend on how the rowing segment of the class is structured. I was considering doing a class tomorrow but I'm not that desperate to complete the challenge. I like to have Monday off, that's just me.

Last week, we also continued our low-carb way of eating.  I tried a few new recipes and Russell loved each one. I'm having fun with cauliflower rice. Today, I made this great cauliflower crust quiche....Russell approved! Having said this, we still enjoy life and have carbs when we feel like it.

Not much else is going on other than our trip to Scotland and Ireland is just six weeks away. Wow, hard to believe, it will be here before we know it. Today I made a list of things to do before we go, things to bring for us on the trip and things to bring for our doggies when they go to Talemaker Camp...Spicy's heart medication, Cooper's daily probiotic, tooth brushes/paste, etc. Lots to think about.

That's my blog for today. I leave you with lots of pics, I hope you enjoy them all. Have a great week everyone!

A herd of Havanese...what could be more fun....Cooper has
a spot up front for next year.

The Havanese Moms and their doggies...back row, Sparky,
Ella, Jazz, Spicy,  front row, Macey, Blu-Belle and Bella.

Sparky and Spicy looking fine.

Spicy says to Mary, did you say you have cake!?

Nothing better than a roll on the cool green lawn...Spicy
loves to roll.

A lovely birthday cake surprise for me!
The cake was delicious.

Spicy loves to snuggle and cuddle with her

First Tongue-out-Tuesday (ToT) pic for

Cooper wondering when Spicy will be
home from the Havanese Huddle

Might as well rest up in my soothing bed till Spicy
comes home...then we get to have our afternoon treat

Daylily in full bloom.
Another beauty

Cauli-flour crust quiche...yummie!

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