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Sunday, 26 May 2019

A beautiful day in the neighbourhood!

Happy Sunday everyone! A beauty of a day it is, sunny, warm and a nice breeze. We're outside, enjoying the moment, listening to the birds chirping away and hoping that the hummingbird will come by. We saw it the other day close to our deck, saw it again a few minutes ago in the pear tree. We put up our feeder yesterday so let's hope it comes around. Russell has his camera ready just in case. I remember when he caught one in action in Huntsville. They are such beautiful birds.

All is good with us. We had a good week and the weather was pretty good. We were grateful to have some rain, it has really helped turn our grass around. The fertilizer and seeds are doing their magic. We have dandelions but that's OK. They are a good source of nectar for the bees.

Our crabapple tree is in full bloom and looking healthy. For the past two years, all the crabapple trees in the neighbourhood had some sort of a fungus.The trees never bloomed and lost their leaves quickly. Given that this fungus is airborne, there was no point in treating it unless all the neighbours did the same. This year, the crabapple trees are back, all of them. We noticed them on our walks this past week. Amazing how nature takes care of itself.

Our flower beds are doing nicely except for one in our backyard. You can see it in the photo. The perennials are coming up so very slowly. I'm not sure if our Crocosmia plants will come back, I haven't seen any sprouting yet. I have eight plants of those. We had them in Huntsville. I figure if they survived the Huntsville Winters, they should survive the Quebec Winters. Time will tell.

Russell and his new knee are doing well. It's hard to believe it's been over four months since he had his total knee replacement surgery. For sure, he will be good as new for our trip to Scotland/Ireland in September. All is good with me also. I spent a good part of the week looking for a new doctor. Last year, I joined the private clinic that Russell goes to. I had a very nice female doctor that I really liked. As I was getting ready to book my yearly physical two weeks ago, I found out that she left the clinic. No other female doctor at that clinic so I did not renew my "membership". I called around and visited a few clinics. The way I look at it, I pay so I should "interview" potential doctors. To make a long story short, I found a new female doctor. She seems nice enough. My physical is booked for later in June.

I also earned my water bottle at the gym....having completed four Mayhem workouts. Yay! It's all good.

That wraps up my blog for this week. The rest of the day will be spent relaxing while keeping an eye on the hummingbird feeder. Plank salmon on the BBQ for dinner, yum ! Have a great week everyone, last week of May!

Our crabapple in full bloom in the backyard just off the deck..
it is a double pink color...amazing.

Cooper looking majestic in the backyard...the grass is
coming back nicely.

Not to be outdone, Spicy strikes a pose...she likes the new
grass, it is tender on her paws...not like the rough straw like
stuff that is now gone.

Nothing like an afternoon nap on the back deck....Cooper
makes a great pillow according to Spicy.

Mayhem complete...and free
water bottles in hand. Me and pals
at Orangetheory.

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