All is good with us. Our weather today is sunny and a bit cool. The snow storm we were supposed to get on New Year's Eve never materialized, we got rain instead, which didn't help the already icy backyard. On Friday though, we woke up to a nice layer of wet snow, not a lot, but enough to cover the ice rink in our backyard. The snow was wet though so when we took Cooper & Spicy out first thing in the morning, they were covered with snowballs. That's when we decided to bite the bullet and get them the infamous Hurtta Slush Combat Suit that our Havanese friends in Quebec are using. The perfect coat for wet snow and slush. Light, easy to put on and off and they don't mind it one bit...and for us, much easier than removing snowballs. So, now we're truly hoping for more snow just to keep the backyard safe for us and the dogs. Crazy Winter!
Our New Year's Day was nice and quiet. We took it easy, watched the Rose Bowl Parade, a tradition for us, and just relaxed. The next day, there was no Christmas left in the house. We put away the decorations, gave the house a good cleanup and life was back to normal.
Our dishwasher broke down on New Year's Eve. Believe it or not, we were able to get a service call that day, hoping it would get fixed, but that wasn't the case. At least, we were able to order the part, which should arrive sometime this week. So, Russell and I have been doing the dishes by hand....just like his parents did all their lives, although they did get a dishwasher at some point but used it for storage. They were funny that way. I can think of worse things happening than a dishwasher breaking down so it's all good. The upside is we don't have a dishwasher load to empty LOL!
This coming week will bring back our normal routine after the holidays. Spicy and I will resume our visits at the retirement homes, tomorrow and Thursday and every other week after that. I have four classes booked at Orange Theory this week. I look forward to it. Russell went back to the gym last Friday. He is still doing "pre-hab" exercises with his personal trainer to help strengthen the area around the knee that will be replaced. This will help his recovery a thousandfold.
So, that's my first blog of 2019. I leave you with a few photos that Russell took of the doggies....he likes to use them as his subjects for practicing photography. Why not! Since it is National Cuddle Up Day, we will spend the rest of the day doing just that! Have a great week everyone!
Spicy and Cooper in their natural cuddle pose... in honour of National Cuddle Up Day. |
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Happy New Year! All the best in 2019. |
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Cooper and Spicy romping in their new Slush Combat Suits....snowball free in the backyard. |
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Cooper has eyes that can melt your heart and he knows how to use them. |
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Spicy is a striking beauty and she knows how to show it off. |
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Spicy and Cooper trying to get a much needed mid-morning nap. |
I just love how your pooches are always cuddled up together. It is so heart warming.