Well, here we are, just seven more sleeps until Santa makes his arrival into our homes. Still not sure how he gets to visit all those homes in one night....fascinating and magical!
All is good with us and we are getting ready for Christmas. My baking is all done, most of it stored away in the freezer, ready to be given away to family and friends. Oh, not to worry Russell, I am keeping many of your favorites just for you.
This past week was busy for us. Our shutters were finally installed, we had work done in the attic and a few other things got done. The highlight of our week though was Cooper's graduation night. He did really well and we were so proud of him. Russell was there to capture the moments. To my surprise, there was a judge that was observing the dogs. In hindsight, it's a good thing that I didn't know about it ahead of time...knowing me, I would have probably gotten myself all worked up. All this to say that the Coop and I got second place! Wow, I was so tickled pink about this, so was Coop. We truly make a great team and this makes me want to continue training even more. On that note, I have registered us for Level 2, starting March 1. Really looking forward to it.
Our weather has been pretty wintery. For sure, it will be a white Christmas but I hear that some parts of Ontario have more snow than we do. We don't have that much but it's been cold. The Montreal cold is different than the Huntsville cold, much more damp so it feels colder than it really is. We have been out for walks though, the Coop with his Muttluks and us with our Northern Ontario gear. Oh, and Cooper has a new coat (thanks Tracey) that we will try out tomorrow.
Today, we had Russell's aunt over for lunch. It was really nice to see her. Auntie Lorraine is Russell's mother's sister. The two of them reminisced about the past while looking at old photos of Russell's parents. I'm glad she came over, she is a sweet lady and Cooper loves her to pieces!
That is my blog for today. I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I truly hope that you all have a great day with your loved ones. Russell and I know many people who have lost loved ones this year so our thoughts are with you during this holiday season. I will not do a blog on Christmas Day as I will be busy carving the turkey....but I'll be back on Boxing Day! Love to all from the three of us.
Santa, his reindeer and a poinsettia! |
Cooper kissing auntie Lorraine...a 4 way selfie! |
Anne putting Cooper through his paces... poetry in motion. |
Cooper has his attention fixed on Anne. |
Nice sit Cooper, after an "about turn". |
Cooper kissing mommy asking did I do good?! |
Anne telling Coop he did fantastic and smells great too! Love him to pieces! |
Cooper graduated...the certificate proves it! |
...and a bag of treats for placing 2nd! |
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