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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Managing our "To Do List"

Hello everyone!  It is a rainy Sunday in Huntsville and a little on the cool side.  I'm actually hoping for a lot of rain as we need it.  Our trees have a few buds on them but it's a slow process.  Our perennials are also starting to come alive and the grass is turning a little greener.  I can't believe today is May1.  Where does the time go!

This past week was good and busy.  We started the week with a fresh coat of snow on the ground. We couldn't believe it when we woke up Tuesday morning and saw the snow.  We didn't bother shovelling as we knew the snow would be gone the next day.  Hopefully that was the last of the white stuff for this season.  The snow tires come off this week!

Russell and I made some good progress with our "To Do" list.  It is getting shorter and more manageable.  We booked the movers, so that's a good job done.  June 23 will be loading day.  Russell and I will make our way to Quebec on ....St-Jean-Baptiste Day.  How appropriate to return to La Belle Province on June 24!  Our belongings will be unloaded on June 25.  While we get our new home organized, Cooper will be at Talemaker Camp having a good time, not realizing that he will be moving to a new home.

We also lined up the fence contractor for May 16 in order to get a quote.  The plan is to have the fence installed the last week of June, so that when we bring the Coop home, he will have a nice and secured yard to play in.

Although we had a lot to do this past week, we took the time to go to the gym and had a few walks with Cooper.  Oh, and I had a speeding ticket on Friday.  My first one in over 30 years.   The nice policeman was kind to me and I got off easy, thanks to my impeccable driving record. I admit, I have a lead foot....or had a lead foot.  Lesson learned, no more speeding.

That's about it for this week's blog.  I leave you with a couple of pictures that Russell took this week, and a few that I took of Russell while he was doing his nightly grooming with Cooper.  I wish you all a great week.  The three of us will spend the rest of the day in front of the fireplace.  Russell has a really nice fire going.

If looks could kill....Cooper says snow again, are you kidding!

This little porcupine was having breakfast early AM
when we caught him climbing down.

The nightly grooming session with Mr. Cooper.
Which end is the head? the tummy comb, stop tickling me. spots to groom...Coop is always cooperative.

Cooper says nothing like a good salty licking of daddy's
head as a reward.

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