Happy Sunday everyone! I truly hope you are enjoying this fine weather. Although we had some much needed rain one day last week, the weather was truly glorious for the most part. As much as I hate to say it though, Summer is slowly winding down. The sun, although still very hot, is not as high in the sky.....I can tell just by where I have to sit on the deck in order to get some sun. I find myself moving my chair from place to place just to get the full sun on me.
So, this past Friday, I tried to do a full chin up on my own...almost but not quite. I really thought that I was strong enough to do one on my own but now I know, having tried it for the first time, that it is not as easy as it may seem. So, with the help of my personal trainer, I will continue to work on getting stronger. We will try it once a week as each time I attempt to do one, I work on those key muscles that will get me there. Ce n'est que partie remise, as we say in French.....
We finally had the video done on our house last Friday. It was very cool to watch the drone fly all around the exterior of the house. The video will be embedded in the MLS listing in a week or so. That will complete the listing. It has been quiet on that front but it is to be expected. We fully expect to spend another Winter in Muskoka and that is fine with us. What's not to like about having four feet of snow on our roof!
Russell is getting ready to go to his photography workshop in Algonquin Park in a few weeks. More on that as we get closer but it will be an amazing experience for him.
Not much else is happening although we (some of the road owners), decided that it was time to put a speed sign on our private road. Many people go up and down the road at such a speed that it damages the gravel road and it makes for an incredible amount of dust for some of the home owners. Thanks goes to John and Jay for getting the sign and putting it up. Now, we wait and see if it will be enforced.....
This coming week is a busy one for us. Russell and I will be going to Quebec City on Thursday for a couple of days of R&R, to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Cooper will be going to Camp Talemaker also for a couple of days of R&R to celebrate his good life.
That's about it for this week's blog. It is almost 4 pm and Cooper is looking at me, patiently waiting for his weekend treat. In a few minutes Coop! I leave you with a couple of pictures that we took of the Coop this weekend and one of the hummingbird who seems to be loving that Agapanthus plant. I end this blog by wishing my parents a Happy 58th Wedding Anniversary, which is tomorrow. They will also be celebrating in Quebec City, same place as we will be later this week. Have a great week everyone!
Hummingbird on the wing....back deck! |
Cooper on the front porch...watching that darn Chippie! |
Cooper surveying his kingdom on the front porch. |
Cooper says, you BBQing Dad and can I get a lick/taste?! |
A sign of the times....who can speed on gravel anyway?! |