Today is beautiful Spring day. The sun is shining, it is relatively warm (+12 C) but it feels much warmer in the sun. I was actually sitting on the deck, in the sun, and I found myself moving to the shade.....sounds crazy doesn't it? After such a harsh Winter, I guess I have trouble adjusting to such heat. Can't wait for the +20 temps! Today was the perfect day to get some yard work done and prune the dead wood on our plants. We also went for a nice walk with the Coop, after he chased the chipmunks.
Not much is happening these days. Despite the nice weather today, the true warm days are not here yet and I feel like we are in between seasons. We had a bit of snow this past week, not enough to stick to the ground, but enough to freak anyone out. The nights are still quite cool. But we are noticing that the lakes are starting to thaw. I include pictures that Russell took this morning. Lake Robinson still had some ice on it then, and now it's gone.
Although it is a bit quiet around here these days, the early mornings have been somewhat is mating season for the wild turkeys and they seem to have chosen our septic berm as their mating grounds. So, almost every morning this past week, at about 5:30 am, we could hear the male turkeys giving loud gobbling calls and heard the females making various clucking sounds in response, all of this outside our bedroom windows. As you can well imagine, those sounds didn't go unnoticed by Cooper, so, up he was on my night table watching the turkeys do their thing. He finds them fascinating. Us, not so much, especially at 5:30 in the morning.
This week will be somewhat busy as we are off to Toronto on Thursday for an overnight stay (hair cuts and stuff). Cooper will be going to Camp Talemaker and visit his friends. I hear that he wakes up at around 6 am when he is at Nathan and Darlah's.... hmmm...maybe it's because he is used to the early morning Muskoka sounds.
That's it for my blog this week. Tonight, for dinner, we are having our first barbecue of the season. Looking forward to it. I hope you all have a nice week, which will bring a brand new month.
Ice going out on Lake Vernon. |
Ice half out on Lake Robinson this morning. |
Ice all gone on Lake Robinson this afternoon. |
Anne and Cooper on Fairy Vista Hiking Trail. |
The a chipmunk chase....a little messy! |
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