I hope you are all having a nice Sunday, whether you celebrate Easter or not. It is a sunny, coolish day in Huntsville but it is not snowing. In my blog last week, I was marvelling at the fact that the snow had pretty well all melted. On Tuesday morning, we woke up to 10 cm of snow. It was truly a depressing sight and I really thought that this time, the snow would never melt. But I am happy to say that there is no more snow to speak of, except a few patches in the woods.
Today, we took advantage of the nice weather and started cleaning the yard. Russell finished washing all the outside windows. This coming week, I hope to cut back the plants and clean out the flower beds. Russell put away the shovels and I put away our Winter gear, including Cooper's booties. To top it all off, on Tuesday morning, we are having my Summer tires put on.
It's been a quiet but nice week. I resumed practicing my agility moves with Cooper. Weather permitting, we will start Agility Classes at the beginning of May. It will be every Wednesday morning for a few months. I look forward to it. Well, I can't speak for Cooper but I hope he continues to enjoy it.
Our night critters are back, including Mr. Porcupine. Russell was out with Cooper last night and they both saw the porcupine wobbling along by the carport. All that we ask of him is that he stays outside of the Coop's backyard. Not too much to ask, is it?
We spoke to Russell's aunt this morning and she is doing well. It was nice talking to her. We hope to visit with her when we go to Montreal next month. She is such a sweet lady. We also spoke to my parents and they are continuing their preparations to move and sell their house. No doubt, it is overwhelming for them but they will get through it with the family's support.
That's about it for this week's blog. Tonight, we are having a simple Easter dinner: spiral ham, scalloped potatoes and roasted rainbow carrots. To top it off, I bought some mini lemon meringues tarts for dessert. Yum!
I wish you all a great week ahead. Our pictures this week include one of Cooper looking at the last dump of snow and wondering when it will end. We also took one that we call "Balancing an Easter Egg". When Russell took this picture, Cooper was practicing his focus, balancing and stay skills. I would say he is pretty good! I hope you enjoy.
Hocus, focus...Happy Easter...I found my egg...it is on my head! |
The END of a long snowy Winter.... |