I don't know about you people but I am getting a little tired of Winter. These cold temperatures do not seem to want to go away, and that is not just in Huntsville. It's everywhere in the country. As much as we try to embrace Winter, sometimes, the cold, especially with a windchill, is just too much to handle. So, as a result, we haven't been walking in the great outdoors as much. Having said this, on Wednesday, Russell called my bluff when I suggested we go for a walk. It was sunny, -19 C but no wind. So all three of us bundled up and off we went walking for one hour. It actually felt good to breathe the cold Muskoka air.
All is well with us. We continue to count down the days to our trip to Barbados. This past week, I freshened up our shorts and T-shirts and dusted off our flip flops. Can't wait to feel that sand on my feet.
Despite the weather, we are finding that the days go by very quickly. We seem to keep busy doing things. Russell is particularly enjoying a new hobby he calls digital photo manipulation. With special computer software in Photoshop, he enhances photos that he took over the years and makes them look like paintings. Pretty cool and they do look like real paintings. He plans on framing some eventually. I am including two that he did yesterday. I think they look quite nice.
Today was going to be a quiet day until our smoke alarm went off. For some reason, when Russell started the fireplace, there was a little bit of smoke that didn't go up the chimney (yes, all the vents were open), instead it went up in the corner where the smoke detector is. The strident sound went on for a few minutes until the smoke went away. There really wasn't a lot of smoke, I couldn't even see it from a distance but it was enough to set off the alarm. Needless to say that Cooper was not impressed. We took him outside right away so that he wouldn't have to endure the sound. He was nonetheless upset and was howling like a little wolf. I don't blame him for being affected by the sound. It actually gave me a headache. We brought him back in the house once the alarm went off and pretended like nothing happened. He was back to his old self pretty quickly.
It is snowing a bit now, and still very cold but the low for tonight will actually be a balmy -15C. This coming week will be quiet with more trips to the gym in order to get ready for that trip of ours! I wish you all a great week ahead. Now off to try those blueberry muffins that I made earlier on......
Original photo of Stubb's Falls, Arrowhead Provincial Park |
Enhanced photo of Stubb's Falls. |
Enhanced photo of fly fishing on the Humber River. |
Original photo of fly fishing on the Humber. |
Cooper daydreaming about......Summer! |
Keeping the Coops run clear...next ending Winter! |
Wish I had a snowblower. I have to shovel our dog run. :)