As for me, well, I am now retired. I am actually realizing it today for the first time. Sunday is typically a day where I get things done in preparation for the week ahead. Today, I did nothing of the sort. I went to the farmers market then we went for a nice Vette ride to take in the fall colours. It is a beautiful day.
As expected, last week was an emotional roller coaster, with the grande finale being last Friday. After an emotional employee meeting, where Michel spoke so nicely about me, and a standing ovation from all employees, I had lunch with my HR colleagues and Russell at a nice restaurant close to the office. We all had a good time, I laughed and cried but it was all good.
So, this is it. I have lots of good memories and I will cherish them forever. Now, Russell and I begin this new chapter together, 24/7/365, and we have lots of plans! My agenda is already quite full for this week, hope I have enough time to do everything.
On this happy note, I wish you all a good week.