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Sunday 29 September 2024

Change of season

Hello everyone and happy Sunday! Another beautiful Fall day is on the way. More of the same for this coming week, except for Wednesday maybe. We are still enjoying our deck to the fullest. Our boys just love it. No doubt they will miss it come Winter!

This past week was good. With the change of season, I decided it was time to get some Fall cleaning done. We had a couple of rainy days so I tackled the kitchen, from top to bottom. Yesterday, I got some work done outside. Those long handled shears that Russell got me really work well and are so good for my back. No more bending to cut down plants. 

Russell seems all better now. His cough is practically gone. It was an exhausting three weeks but it's behind him. Now, the plan is to stay healthy until his knee surgery. 

Our pooches are doing well although Sherlock was under the weather yesterday. We think he ate too much grass....well, more than usual, so he didn't digest it properly. We skipped class as a result. He is all better now and he had a good night. Both love to nibble on grass, they have since they were puppies. I spoke to our vet about it. She said they are two types of dogs....those that eat grass to soothe their tummy when they're not feeling well (that was our Cooper) and those that eat grass just because they like the taste and find it refreshing....I wonder what Merlot and Sherlock will do in the Winter LOL!

There is this saying that things come in threes...we had to deal with our first case of Leptospirosis with Merlot, Russell and I got COVID for the first time and last Friday, we found a tick on Merlot's head....our first tick in the thirteen years we've had dogs. Russell noticed it while doing the morning grooming. It was not attached, just crawling, such a small little thing. It could have only come from our backyard as we didn't go anywhere the few days preceding that little discovery. A reminder that ticks are everywhere and a thorough daily brushing should spot them. Both our pooches are on tick prevention so they are well protected. 

Merlot will have his last follow up visit with Dr. Javard on Tuesday. His kidney function will be checked and we expect that all will be good. He has recovered extremely well from Leptospirosis. 

Those are my little news for today. Only a few more days left then we start a brand new month.  Weather permitting, we might have a play date with Balou on Friday, our friend Pauline's new dog, a Bearded Collie. We can't wait to meet him. Have a great week everyone!

Sherlock and Merlot patiently waiting for the 
training session to begin.

Who could resist that face and those eyes.

A little down time for the three amigos; Merlot,
Sherlock and the ever present giraffe.

Sherlock and Merlot looking for some tender
grass to nibble on.

It is a dog's life and these two are
living it large.

Sherlock in the comfort of 'his' chair with a 
blanket...recuperating from his dietary
indiscretion - too much grass.

A bad hair day and a big yawn
for Merlot.

One late blossom on the
crab apple tree.

Pretty weeds this time of year,
these are called Blue Wood-aster.

It was a windy walk at the park for Spicy and 
Cooper that day - July 13, 2021.

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