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Sunday 16 June 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Sunday everyone! We want to wish all the dads and doggie/pet dads out there a Happy Father's Day! A special loving thought to those dads who are no longer with us. Ours may be gone but they are forever in our hearts. Russell misses sharing this day with Cooper and Spicy. They are also forever in our hearts 💕

This week's edition of my Sunday blog comes directly from Brome, Quebec. This is the last day of the St-Francis Kennel & Obedience Club Conformation show. Of course, we are here to support our boys Merlot & Sherlock. It's been a great weekend and it is so nice to see them again. They are such sweet doggies 💓 Photos to come in next week's blog. Russell and I stayed overnight. Another little getaway in a cute part of Quebec.

This past week was busy and went by too quickly. Our weather was good, a bit on the cool side. A heat wave is on the way for the next few days....highs of 35 on Tuesday!

Russell got a cortisone shot in his left  knee last Wednesday. This is his last shot until knee replacement surgery, still scheduled for between December and March. He has to be four months free of cortisone before surgery.  He is seeing a huge difference already and it will make for some pain-free walks for our upcoming trip to Quebec City, not to mention the many walks that we will take with our pooches in the coming months.

That's my blog for today. We have to get ready for the last show of the day which starts at 10 am. We want to get there early so we can play with our boys first. We should be home mid afternoon. 

I leave you with some throwback photos of Russell, Cooper & Spicy. It is Father's Day after all. To all the dads, may your day be a special one! Have a great week!

Nothing better than some time spent on a stump
with his human Dad, in Huntsville
March 24, 2015

Always a joy to find a park bench with Spicy and 
Cooper at Edgewater Park, December 27, 2020

Happy Father's Day with Russell's posse....
June 17, 2023

Spicy loved keeping an eye on the 
trick or treaters...Halloween
October 31, 2022

Father's Day on the back deck with Cooper
June 17, 2017 (before the Spicy era)

A wintery walk with Spicy and 
Cooper....November 17, 2019

Apple picking time, Spicy and Cooper loved to
romp in the orchard, September 24, 2020

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