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Sunday 20 February 2022

'Twas a Wintry week

Happy Sunday everyone! We're about to start the last full week of February. I know it's a somewhat shorter month but it went by so quickly! And those brighter days are just so welcome. Yesterday, we were out with Coop & Spicy after their dinner, around 5:15 pm, and we noticed how much brighter it was compared to last week. Despite all this good stuff, we had quite the mix bag of weather last week...warm temps, lots of rain, a meltdown, some snow and yesterday a few short but very intense snow squalls, followed by bright sunshine. Winter is not over yet but each day brings us closer to Spring 🌷

This past week was good. We had a few good walks with the pooches and played some mental stimulation games with them. We also got them a snuffle mat which they seem to enjoy thoroughly. Like most dogs, Cooper & Spicy like their routine. One of the things we do with them in the morning is play retrieve in the basement, before their daily grooming....we do this after we've had our coffee, breakfast, read the news, in other words, in our own time 😂  On Wednesday, we found those two in the basement, in the dark, waiting for us..."you guys are taking your sweet time today, time to play" 😆

We've been eating a lot of chicken lately. It's versatile and can be cooked in so many ways. As I was planning our meals for the weekend, we thought about cooking a roast chicken for a change then Russell said "why not have a simple roast turkey "! So, I bought a PC frozen turkey...Butterballs are hard to find at this time of year. We figured how bad can it be, turkey is turkey. Well, it is very different and not nearly as good as a Butterball.....for our palates anyway. The tenderness was just not there...and it had nothing to do with the way I cooked it. Don't get me wrong, it was edible but we were disappointed. Never again. It's not going to waste though as I ground the white meat for Coop and Spicy and froze it in small packages for future meals. Yummy for them!

Our little girl Spicy is having a tooth extraction tomorrow. It's a small bottom front tooth that has become loose since last Fall. It will be a quick procedure, albeit still requiring full anesthesia.  For the next 7-10 days, just like we did with Cooper, she will be eating soft food and treats and no chews allowed. The tooth fairy will be coming by our house tomorrow night 💟

That's my blog for today. To all my friends who are enjoying Family Day tomorrow, make the most of this special time! Have a great week! 

Cooper and Spicy love their new snuffle mats.

Let the snuffling begin...those noses know where 
the treats are hidden.

Patience is a virtue and these two will wait 
in the play zone until we arrive...a new morning
routine...heading downstairs to wait.

Spicy in the maze...snow banks
taller than her.

Cooper pops up above the banks...
lots of shovelling for the pooches.

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