What a soggy and dismal day it is! It's been raining since last night, non stop. It is also a cool 14 celsius. Hard to believe that this is the end of June. We certainly haven't had a real Summer so far, except for a few nice days here and there. Oh well, there is nothing we can do about it and I keep saying that this is better than Winter by a long shot.
It's been a busy week for Russell and I. Cooper also had a busy one filled with doggie play. It all started on Monday when Darlah and Nathan came over for lunch with three of their dogs, Inula, a Tibetan Terrier, and Ella and Saffron, two Havanese. It was a fun day, for the humans and canines, and it was especially nice to take the time to chat. The weather cooperated which made it so much more pleasant. Then Coop went to doggie day care on Thursday and played his heart out with the usual gang. His week ended with more doggie fun when Saba and her human parents, John & Terri, came over last night. We had a wonderful evening filled with laughter and the dogs also had fun. They even each had a kangaroo tendon while us, the humans, indulged in some Wine and Blondies. We were hoping to have a camp fire and Smore's but the weather was too iffy. Instead, we spent the evening in the screened porch, with our fleeces on, candles and music. Can't get any better than that.
So, here we are, about to start a new month. Half way through the year already. Amazing how quickly time goes sometimes.
I must say that, with all the rain that we've had lately, our grass is growing nicely. We seeded a lot in the Spring, and it's paying off. Our plants are also doing well. We got a few flower pots for the deck and they add some nice colour. A friend of ours made us two benches that we use as plant stands to elevate the pots. Darlah and Nathan gave us an Agapanthus which I transplanted into a bigger pot. It has a beautiful purple bloom and it attracts hummingbirds. Very nice!
Today is a quiet day for us. With this rain, not much to do outdoors.....I went to my 9:30 Bootcamp class, then did a bit of cooking. With this kind of weather, Russell thought it would be nice to have a fire. So, the fireplace is roaring and it smells good. My guys had a nap earlier on seeing that we went to bed very late last night...I have a feeling that John, Terri and Saba are also napping today! As for me, I don't nap but I may just lie down in front of the fireplace once I'm done blogging.
That's it for this week's blog. I include a few pictures from last night and from the Talemaker visit. I hope you all have a nice Canada Day on Wednesday. The weather looks promising. I wish you all a wonderful week.
Custom plant stands made by Casey. |
Agapanthus plant, a nice gift from Darlah and Nathan. |
Cooper and Saba on treat watch.....kangaroo tendon, tasty. |
Terri and Saba relaxing in the screened porch. |
John has something in his pocket and they want it! |
Cooper doesn't mind making himself right at home on John's lap. |
BFFs Inula and Cooper. |
Saffron and Cooper playing fetch. |
Ella says NO, it is mine, Cooper says NO way! |
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