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Sunday, 2 November 2014

Did you Fall back?

Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope that you all enjoyed that extra hour of sleep last night.  We weren't sure if Cooper's internal clock would go for it but we all got an extra 45 minutes.  I was actually awake about one hour before we got up, just staring at the ceiling and watching our bedroom get brighter and brighter.  This morning was particularly bright and the sunrise was beautiful.

So, here we are, at the beginning of November already.  Just a little over 7 weeks until Christmas and just a little over 3 months before our trip to Barbados.  It sure feels and looks like November.  On Friday, Halloween Day I might add, we had our first snow fall of the season.  The snow is still on the ground up where we live due to the elevation but it's gone everywhere else.  It is pretty though and Cooper is a happy camper.  He loves the snow and the icicles that form on the deck.  He's already had quite a number of them.  He thinks it's a wonderful treat.  On the topic of treats, we didn't have any trick-or-treaters this year, again.  I admit, the weather outside was frightful but the fire inside was delightful....Oh well, maybe next year.  I was left with a number of mini chocolate bars...I kept "some" but I packaged most and gave them to the Food Bank. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.....

This past week was relatively quiet.  Russell and I went back to the gym on Monday, following our trip to Montreal.  I still do my Bootcamp four times a week.  We also had some vista pruning done.  Since we moved here, some of the trees have grown quite a bit and were starting to block the view of the lakes.  Bartlett Tree spent a good part of the day Tuesday pruning away, even in the rain.  It makes a huge difference and it will be even more noticeable next year when the leaves grow back.

We had a lot of rain last week so we didn't walk much with the Coop but we made up for it yesterday and today.  The next few days are supposed to be nice and warm.  That snow will melt for sure.

My parents are getting used to their new place and have been sleeping well.  They still have some reorganizing to do and they are taking their time.

Not much else is going on for us.  We are ready for Winter, well almost.  Russell will get our snow tires put on this week.  Our heating system has been tuned up and we stocked up on "dog friendly" salt for the deck.  Cooper's booties are lined up and ready for the first real big snow storm.

I include Cooper's Halloween picture as well as a few pictures that Russell took of the our first snow fall and the vista pruning.  I wish you all a great week and enjoy the brighter mornings....they don't last all Winter unfortunately.

Cooper being the original Sinner on Halloween!

Snow on the pumpkins and elsewhere.

Lone fir tree with a new coat of snow.

Pete of Bartlett Tree Experts...70 feet up and still climbing.

Brian just hanging around 65 feet up....loves his job!

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