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Monday 13 August 2012

Life in Huntsville

Happy Monday morning!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  All is good at the Duncan household in Huntsville.  We are nicely adapting to the country life.  We haven't seen another bear although we keep our eyes open for one.  Deers are now part of our lives, so are the wild turkeys.  We wake up to the piece and quiet of our surroundings, and end the day the same way.  We do not have any neighbours yet but we do not feel isolated either.  We did meet one neighbour last week who will start building in a  month or so with an expected move in date of April.  This means that there will be some activity on lot 9 in the coming months. Lot 7 should start building soon although we have not met the owners yet.  We are lot 8, in the middle of those two lots.

Last week was a good week and the things that were left to do on our house are complete with the exception of a few small things.  Landscaping will wrap up this week.  So, the dust bowl that we have been living in has shrunk considerably. I am used to driving around Huntsville and know my way around.  I still haven't found a hairdresser and that has proven to be a challenge so far. Today, I will be going to the Huntsville Mall and hope to be successful on that front.  I need a haircut badly, so does Russell.  We did find a groomer for Cooper. Her name is Teresa and she has a grooming salon at the Pet Value store, called Groomingdale.  She seems very nice and we hope Cooper likes her.  Cooper is doing well and seems to be more settled now that there is less activity in our house.  He sleeps well but up to now hasn't been in a rush to eat his meals, which is not like him.  But this morning, he devoured his breakfast and that is good news. Otherwise, he is full of life and loves running around his yard.

Last Thursday, Margo came for a visit. She was our first overnight visitor.  It was very nice to see her.  We barbecued and had some nice chats.  On Friday, Peter and Linda stopped by for a visit.  They are the developers of the lot we bought.  They live close to us and are very nice people.  Although they had seen the house as it was being built, this was the first time they were seeing it all finished and furnished. To quote them, "it is not a house, it is a work of art".

On Saturday, we went to the 2012 Havanese Picnic in Brighton.  Not sure how many Havanese dogs were there but there were lots!  It was a lot of fun and Cooper had a great time, so did we.  It was nice to meet many of the Havanese owners.  It was also nice to see a couple of Havanese dogs of Cooper's size.  Not too many are as big as he is.  From there, we drove to Pointe-Claire in torrential rain and spent the night at Russell's mom's.  We left early yesterday morning and arrived in Huntsville around 4 pm.  Mom is with us for a few days.  She was blown away by the house and all that it offers.  We plan on showing her the Town and spending some quality time with her.  The weather so far is nice and warm although they are calling for some clouds.  We've had some much needed rain over the past few days and that means that the sod in Cooper's yard is growing nicely and has taken.

That's about it for this week's blog.  I'm off shopping downtown Huntsville with Russell's mom and later we will go to a look out where, according to someone we met last week, we can see our house.

Anne and Russell on the deck !

Steve, Anne, Cooper and Russell.

Nelson catching a breeze while 'shooting' it as well!
I attach a few pictures taken by Steve when he stopped by with Nelson two weeks ago.  I hope they don't mind having their picture on my blog! We will take more pictures of the house at some point and post them.  Have a great week everyone.

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