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Sunday 15 April 2012

The end of a chapter...

.....and a new one will begin soon in Huntsville.  The "Sold" sign went up on Friday.  Although we are happy to have sold our house so quickly, we are experiencing an "anticlimactic"moment.  Not sure why, could be because we have so much going on with the building of our log home, and the anticipation is starting to reach a new level.

This past week was relatively quiet. We had the house inspection on Monday, which went very well.  During that time, we took Cooper to daycare and Russell and I had a nice lunch out.  Once we got Cooper back home, he crashed for a couple of hours. He loves daycare but he comes home so tired from running around with the other dogs.  We took Cooper to his first Level 3 Obedience class last Thursday.  He did extremely well and learned a few new things.  We are also learning, which is very important.  For example. we now use the "Down" command from a distance, which is important to know if we ever have to ask him to stay put from a distance in order to keep him safe.

Yesterday, we went for our hair cuts with Cooper.  He is now used to going to downtown Toronto and doesn't mind the elevators, escalators and chaos of the downtown core. I am happy that we are exposing him to all sorts of venues and experiences. It is good for him and it makes him a better dog.

We now spend even more time brushing Cooper.  We think that he is "blowing his coat", which means that his puppy coat is slowly going away and his mature coat is coming in.  This period of coat change can last a while. He gets little knots in his coat in places where he never did before and they sometime seem to appear overnight. Both Russell and I do a brushing session every morning and Cooper doesn't mind. Russell holds him and I carefully remove the mats, one by one.  If we don't do that, he will have mats all over his coat and it will get out of control.  Cooper truly has a beautiful coat and we want it to remain that way.

Not much else happened this past week.  It seems like we didn't do much, but we did, it's just a blur now, as often my weeks are.  Today is a cloudy/rainy day so we will take the Coop to the indoor doggie park for an hour or so this afternoon.  When we come back, I will start reading a new book that I downloaded yesterday.  I haven't read a fiction book in months, today seems like a good day to do just that.

That's it for this week's blog.  Have a great week everyone!

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