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Sunday, 9 March 2025

Longer and brighter days ahead

Happy Sunday everyone! We made it, we have reached the point where we can truly look forward to longer and brighter days ahead. We have a little bit of snow falling at the moment but nice weather is on the way. 

We had a good week. Russell had another physio treatment and his knee flexion is now at 121, from 115 two weeks ago. His other knee is at 124, which is about the maximum flexion anyone can get with a new knee. He has one more appointment in a few weeks then that will be it.  Well done Russell!

As for me, I might have finally found the type of workout that works for me at this stage in my life...Pilates. I discovered Jessica Valant, a known Pilates teacher and physical therapist, with numerous videos on YouTube. Those types of workouts are known to promote mobility and strength while focusing on stretching and balance. When done properly (emphasis on "properly"), they can do wonders for the body. I got five in last week and, not only do I feel better already, I actually enjoy them...the key to sustainability.

Sherlock and Merlot are doing well. Although the chase for squirrels still goes on daily, there was no catch last week.  The snow mounds have gotten much smaller so the "hide and seek" game is not as much fun for them. They love chasing each other, outside or inside. When they run up and down our hallways, we can feel their vibrations. They are such good boys 💕

Despite the non stop daily and very unnerving news concerning the US and Canada, we actually got some fantastic news on Friday. Our breeder and friend Myriam attended the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham, UK. Her Havanese Cosette won Best of Breed! That is a huge accomplishment, especially after winning Select Female in Westminster a few weeks ago.  Congratulations to all, we are so proud of you!

That's my blog for today. Enjoy the photos and have a wonderful week!

Spring ahead...this clock, bought in
NYC, was a gift from Russell's
 mom before she passed in 2013.

Two happy boys lined up for, you guessed it...
can we go out to chase squirrels?

A big stare down....who will blink first?

Merlot and Sherlock carefully 
inspect the snowman I made!

Sherlock happily patrolling the ever shrinking 
snow mounds.

Merlot looking majestic on top of
his snow mound.

Karyna proudly presented Cosette 
who took Best of Breed at the famed
Crufts Kennel Club show.

Cooper and Spicy were the best yoga buddies, 
here they are on their mat - February 24, 2022.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Hello March!

Happy Sunday everyone and a warm welcome to March! After some relatively mild temperatures in the past week, we woke up to a frigid -18 Celsius this morning. The sun is shining though and, in one week, we will move our clocks forward. Love it 🌞

This past week was good. Despite the huge amount of snow we got two weeks ago, and a bit yesterday, our snow mounds are getting smaller. The snow covering our Euonymus bushes is melting, exposing the leaves and providing yummy food for the rabbits. Our birds are also eating like crazy. We feed them every two days. As for the squirrels, they are still driving Merlot & Sherlock crazy. They catch (and release) one or two a week. They both wait patiently at the bottom of the crabapple tree for the little critter to either jump or come down. It's become a game for them. 

Russell is doing well and his knee replacement surgery is a thing of the past now. He still has a bit of lingering discomfort at times and that is normal. 

We both had a spa pedicure last week. A little bit of self care is always good, especially at this time of year. It's good for the soul. 

Not much else is going on with us. It's been a quiet Winter overall, given Russell's knee recovery. Perfect time of year for that kind of surgery to happen. We are now gearing up for Spring, thinking of what we need to do outdoors before our trip to Italy. Seeding our backyard is number one priority. 

Our boys are doing well. They have a good life. They are so affectionate, each in their own unique way. We love them to pieces 💕

That's my blog for today. I leave you with random photos taken last week. Have a great week everyone! 

Some crazy times on the living room sofa...
Merlot loves to face plant while Sherlock 
looks on.

The boys on neighbourhood watch!

The rabbit escaped but the boys 
 did not give up the chase, they 
mounted the snow bank to make
certain he was gone.

Merlot is completely at ease, paws
up to air out his 'bird'.

Hockey Night in Beaconsfield...
not an empty seat in the house to
witness the HABS victory.

Sherlock knows how to captivate with
his eyes and antics.

Nature's bounty, the euonymus is slowly loosing its
tasty leaves to the hungry rabbits.

Cooper and Spicy loved the snow
and there was plenty of it on 
March 5th 2023.