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Sunday 22 September 2024

Hello Fall 2024!

Happy Sunday everyone! Another beautiful day on the way. The last few weeks have been simply spectacular! 

This past week was good. Russell had a bit of a set back, saw his doctor last Monday and was put on antibiotics. He seems better this morning although he still has a nagging lingering cough. His focus now is to recover completely from the effects of COVID and stay healthy for his upcoming knee replacement surgery, which could take place in the next few months. This means taking the necessary measures to avoid catching anything else between now and then. The same goes for me. If I get sick, I can't be a good nurse 😏 

Our boys are doing very well. Sherlock got his Leptospirosis vaccine last week. He had no reaction whatsoever. He will get a booster in three weeks. Merlot will get his first shot mid October. As I'm writing this blog, they are both chasing each other on the deck. They are hilarious to watch. The giraffe is in the mix again today after taking a back seat last week for a few days...the pink rabbit took over.

We haven't done much yard work yet but Russell got me some long handled shears which will make it easier to cut back all back will thank me for it. 

The HABS training camp started last Wednesday. I've been following the exploits of the new recruits and listening to the various media posts. The home opener is on October 9 against Toronto. I can't wait! I am hopeful the 2024-2025 season will last longer than last year. It is a wonderful time of the year 😄

Yesterday, Sherlock and I had our second Obedience class. I have to say that the training we are doing at home is paying off. He is doing quite well and makes me proud. Having done this class before also gives me an advantage. I have learned a number of little tricks over the years to make any type of training more fun and showing lots of enthusiasm is one of them. It works every time!

So, today is the first day of Fall. In honour of this brand new season, I am making a chicken pot pie for dinner. Yummy! 

That's my blog on this first day of Fall.  The rest of the day will be spent doing what we love to do on a Sunday at this time of football, read a book, play with the pooches. We might get a few walks in this week. We will see how Russell is doing. 

Have a great week and a beautiful Fall!

Sherlock and Merlot together at the
ready by the BBQ...hurry up and
start that BBQ Russell.

Keeping an eye on the backyard is
hard work but these two are up
for the challenge.

TV time in comfort...Russell enjoys his spot
on the floor LOL!

Merlot spotted a squirrel and chased
it up the tree...he was standing
guard to make sure it didn't
 come back down.

Merlot having fun breaking in the pink
rabbit, it was a Spicy toy.

...over to Sherlock to continue the effort to soften
up the rabbit.

Nap time for Merlot.

BBQ attendants...

The year of the spider....this one
set his web up on the deck.

Best time of the year for HABS fans!

Marching into Fall colours, this moment with 
Cooper and Spicy captured October 1, 2020.

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