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Sunday 4 August 2024

Hello August!

Happy Sunday everyone! This is the last day of our heat warning. I have to say, I'm not one to complain about the heat but the humidity we've had the past four days has been quite unbearable at times. Time for some fresher air.

Despite the hot and humid weather, we had a good week. Our days have been busy doing things around the house, running errands and playing with the puppies. They are truly wonderful boys. We are so blessed to have them in our lives 💕 

Merlot and Sherlock had their first bath with Russell on Friday. My hubby hasn't lost his touch. Both puppies looked wonderful and their coats are gorgeous. Our new bathing tub worked really well. Russell needs to get himself a stool so that he can sit down while drying them. It will be much easier on the knees. 

We continue to do fun and short training sessions throughout the day.  In the morning, I work with one while the other is being groomed. Last week's main focus was to work on the "down" command. Thank you to my friend and dog trainer Wanda for giving me some tips. We are making some progress and keeping our expectations realistic. Cooper had that command down pat.....with a hand signal, he would drop to a "down" like a rock. Of course, that didn't happen overnight. Merlot and Sherlock are very smart and it's obvious that they want to learn and please us. 

As we get to observe them, we are noticing little quirks that each has. Sherlock spins three times for his food and treats. That is one trick that he doesn't need to learn. Merlot likes to poop against the fence, each and every time. Maybe it's a privacy thing LOL! They both are so funny in their own way. Laughing sure has been plentiful in our house in the past four weeks! 

We have a busy week coming up. We hope to get a couple of walks in, which we didn't do last week due to the heat. We will continue to watch the Olympics every night, so good. Our Canadian athletes are making us proud. 

That's my blog for today. For many of my friends across the country, this is a long weekend. Enjoy to the fullest! I leave you with some pics of our boys and a memory photo of our Cooper and Spicy. Have a great week everyone!

Sherlock and Merlot love their backyard!

Neighbourhood watch Sherlock and Merlot

These boys love to tumble and rumble all over
the yard.

Merlot in his chair catching 40 

A friendly round of tug on the deck.

TV time, watching the Olympics.

Another round of tug in the cool of the house...
too hot on the deck.

Cooper and Spicy lounging while we 
enjoyed a picnic by the Lake, June 16, 2020.

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