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Sunday 25 August 2024

A bump in the road

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! It's a cloudy morning, a little wet from the overnight rain. The weather this week promises to be fairly decent. 

This past week started out good despite the rain. On Thursday, we had good friends over for lunch. It was wonderful to see them. We had some great conversations and listened to good music. It was a bit cool but that didn't stop us from spending the afternoon on the deck. Got to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can. They met Merlot and Sherlock for the first time and fell in love with them. 

Thursday though was not the best day for our little guy Merlot. He wasn't himself at all. We just knew that something was off with him. On Friday morning, we took him to our local vet. A thorough exam showed that something was not right with his kidney levels. Off we went to the DMV emergency hospital, where they were waiting for us. Merlot was admitted in ICU and has been there since Friday afternoon. We spoke to the ICU specialist yesterday morning and were told that his kidney levels were starting to decrease. He still has a ways to go but everything seems to be going in the right direction. If that continues, he could be released in 4-5 days. 

We do not know what caused this sudden kidney injury and we may never know. All apparent causes have been eliminated. What matters now is that Merlot makes a full recovery. We miss our little guy and Sherlock misses his play buddy. 

We will visit Merlot this afternoon and give him tender hugs and kisses.  It's been a tough few days for us and Myriam but we are staying positive. We know that he is getting the best care possible. We have been very impressed so far with the level of attention that the staff has provided Merlot and us. 

So, I end this blog by sending our little boy all of our energy and positive vibes. We miss you Merlot and hope to have you back home very soon . We love you so much 💗

Have a great week everyone! 

Sherlock missing his grilling buddy as
he watches the smoke rise from the BGE.

Merlot chilling on his chair, not feeling quite
like himself.

Sherlock...outstanding in his field.

A soggy doggie...Merlot 

Sherlock loves to run in the rain and 
then relax on his chair.

Sherlock and Merlot love to 
wrestle and rumble.

Smoke rolling on the BGE...low 
and slow temperature.

Apple wood smoke kissing the 
side of salmon, our dinner last night

Spicy and Cooper posing for a photo on a Fall
afternoon.... October 5, 2019.

Sunday 18 August 2024

Those August days

Happy Sunday everyone! It's a cloudy and warm morning in Beaconsfield. This month is going by way too quickly so we are savouring each day. For many, those August days mean that Fall is around the corner, school will start soon. Heck, Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations are already out. Despite all that, there is more Summer left to enjoy. 

This past week was good. During one of our walks, we ran into Jim & Maureen, an older couple that we hadn't seen since before Christmas. They saw us from a distance, with Merlot and Sherlock in tow, and thought to themselves "it's nice to see Cooper & Spicy". They were well aware of their health issues. As we met up, they were so sad to hear of their passing but were so happy to meet our boys. We hugged and chatted for a while. It was really nice to reconnect after all this time. 

As we were driving around our neighbourhood, we noticed how much damage the heavy rainfall of the previous week did to so many homes. So much ruined belongings at the end of driveways, waiting to be picked up. 

Russell had his pre-op tests done on Thursday. He had to be at the hospital at 7 am. He got home at noon. It was quite extensive. Now we wait for a surgery date, likely 3-4 months but no more than 6, so we're told. He saw signs that said " please do not ask about your surgery date". Too funny. While he was waiting for his blood work, he ran into an old high school friend. It's a small world out there. 

While Russell was gone, I groomed Merlot and Sherlock. I didn't brush their teeth as I need a crash course from Russell on that one but I got everything else done. They looked pretty good when he got home! I was quite pleased with myself and it gave me a better appreciation of the work involved in keeping those beautiful coats in top shape. 

Our boys are doing really well. They are the funniest and happiest puppies. Both dance for their food like they are starving. They love chasing tiny ants . Merlot discovered our decorative koi last week, wasn't sure about it. He now lays in front of it as if he wants to bring it to life. It's hilarious to watch. Sherlock still walks around in circles on the deck with his giraffe. Also a riot to watch. We have been working on their recall and I have to say, it is impressive. They both do it together, in the backyard at a fair distance with distractions and all. Well done little ones! They give us so much love and joy, each and every day. We thank our lucky stars, and Myriam, that they came into our lives 💕

It is the Montreal RibFest this weekend. Yesterday we decided to indulge and got ourselves some ribs and chicken for dinner. It was delicious. Finger licking good 😋

Another busy week on the way. On Thursday, we have good friends coming over for lunch. It will be nice to see them again. They can't wait to meet our boys!   

That's my blog for today. It will be a quiet and relaxing Sunday. Russell was going to give Merlot and Sherlock a bath but decided to do it tomorrow instead. I may watch part 1 of the new season of Emily in Paris. Something fun and light on this gloomy Sunday. Have a great week everyone!

A famous boulder at Edgewater Park and 
the boys took the time to hop on for a 
photo with me.

Merlot chased the squirrel up the
tree, he almost caught it!

Sherlock on guard duty...he advises it is either
a bunny or a cat.

Merlot watching the koi...hoping 
that it comes to life.

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the 

TV time is always cozy!

Sherlock and Merlot sporting their top knots,
just look at those beautiful eyes.

The Zebra grass and the Black-Eyed Susan mingle
together nicely.

Cooper and Spicy always found comfort in each
other and they made a wonderful canine mosaic,
this moment captured August 24, 2021.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Record rainfall and medals

Happy Sunday everyone! It's nice and fresh this morning. I hate to say it but it does smell like August!

This past week was good and busy. It went by so quickly. We went to the park a few times, ran into Errol once and introduced Sherlock and Merlot to new people. They seem to enjoy their walks and discovering new things. Both boys are doing so well in all aspects. We are so in love with them 💕

Russell's long time high school friend Brian came over for lunch on Thursday with his wife Janie. It was a wonderful get together. We shared some great stories and had some good laughs. They were so happy to meet our boys who got spoiled with two new toys. Merlot and Sherlock were more than willing to show off some of their recently learned skills. We spent the whole afternoon on the deck. It was fun.

Then Friday came with all the rain. According to the news, Montreal got 154 mm of it, a new record. Our hearts go out to the many people who have to deal with flooding. The bottom of our street became lake front property for many houses.  We consider ourselves so fortunate not to have had any flooding. For most of the day, we took Merlot and Sherlock out on a leash so they could do their business. A few times though, we let them run around in the rain. They had so much fun! Our boys basically had three rain baths that day, followed by blow dry sessions. On that note, we discovered a product through Myriam, Blow my Secret by Peke Secret, made in Quebec. It's a fast dry and anti-friz spray that reduces blow drying time considerably. Well worth it! All in all, we managed well through the rain event and spent most of the day on the deck. 

On Wednesday, at 7 pm, Merlot & Sherlock were out by the apple trees and came face to face with a lovely skunk who was on the other side of our fence. No one barked. The skunk looked up, didn't feel threatened I guess then carried on eating apples. I quickly, but calmly, picked up both boys and walked away. We have since blocked off that whole area of our backyard with baby gates. We're all about minimizing the risk of getting skunked 😏

Our dog training is going very well. We are noticing such a huge difference in one week. Both boys have the "Wait, Stay" down pat. I started working on their "Recall"...very impressive! They still need a bit of work on the "Down" but it's coming along 👏👏👏

Those are my little news for today. We are having a family get together with my brother, nephews and Julie. They will get to meet our boys for the first time. We look forward to it. Tonight, we will watch the replay of the Closing Olympics Ceremonies. A record number of medals for our Canadian athletes. Well done!

I leave you with a few snapshots of the boys taken last week...notice the giraffe in many of the pics. They are obsessed with it, especially Sherlock! Have a great week everyone!

Merlot and Sherlock in a spirited tug of war over
the giraffe!

Sherlock and 'his' giraffe!

Merlot catching some sun after all 
the that 'his' giraffe too?

Out in the yard for a run...can you spot the 

Bird watching on the deck in the rain.

Is it time to watch the Olympics?

Merlot says I think I'm a little soggy!

Cooper and Spicy sitting pretty on the Pointe
Claire city piano at Edgewater Park...
captured August 19, 2022.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Hello August!

Happy Sunday everyone! This is the last day of our heat warning. I have to say, I'm not one to complain about the heat but the humidity we've had the past four days has been quite unbearable at times. Time for some fresher air.

Despite the hot and humid weather, we had a good week. Our days have been busy doing things around the house, running errands and playing with the puppies. They are truly wonderful boys. We are so blessed to have them in our lives 💕 

Merlot and Sherlock had their first bath with Russell on Friday. My hubby hasn't lost his touch. Both puppies looked wonderful and their coats are gorgeous. Our new bathing tub worked really well. Russell needs to get himself a stool so that he can sit down while drying them. It will be much easier on the knees. 

We continue to do fun and short training sessions throughout the day.  In the morning, I work with one while the other is being groomed. Last week's main focus was to work on the "down" command. Thank you to my friend and dog trainer Wanda for giving me some tips. We are making some progress and keeping our expectations realistic. Cooper had that command down pat.....with a hand signal, he would drop to a "down" like a rock. Of course, that didn't happen overnight. Merlot and Sherlock are very smart and it's obvious that they want to learn and please us. 

As we get to observe them, we are noticing little quirks that each has. Sherlock spins three times for his food and treats. That is one trick that he doesn't need to learn. Merlot likes to poop against the fence, each and every time. Maybe it's a privacy thing LOL! They both are so funny in their own way. Laughing sure has been plentiful in our house in the past four weeks! 

We have a busy week coming up. We hope to get a couple of walks in, which we didn't do last week due to the heat. We will continue to watch the Olympics every night, so good. Our Canadian athletes are making us proud. 

That's my blog for today. For many of my friends across the country, this is a long weekend. Enjoy to the fullest! I leave you with some pics of our boys and a memory photo of our Cooper and Spicy. Have a great week everyone!

Sherlock and Merlot love their backyard!

Neighbourhood watch Sherlock and Merlot

These boys love to tumble and rumble all over
the yard.

Merlot in his chair catching 40 

A friendly round of tug on the deck.

TV time, watching the Olympics.

Another round of tug in the cool of the house...
too hot on the deck.

Cooper and Spicy lounging while we 
enjoyed a picnic by the Lake, June 16, 2020.