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Sunday 30 June 2024

Happy Canada Day from Quebec City!

Greetings from Quebec City! I can't think of a better way to celebrate the eve of Canada Day than being in this beautiful city. I am writing this blog from our room at the Chateau Frontenac, in the turret portion of our room. So cool to have this amazing view of the majestic Fleuve St-Laurent, the old harbour and City of Quebec. 

We arrived early Friday afternoon. We've been here so often that we know our way around although it's been about 10 years since our last visit. Not much has changed. It's nice to see that some of our favorite places are still around. We spent a good amount of time on Les Plaines d'Abraham taking in the views. The Chateau Frontenac claims to be the most photographed hotel in the world. Not surprising, the sites of the hotel are amazing no matter where you you will attest from our photos. 

Last night, we had dinner at our favorite restaurant Le St-Amour. It was delicious! Delicate and refined french cuisine at its best. It was a lovely and romantic evening.

At noon today, we will be going on a cruise that will take us to the starting point of the Transat Quebec St-Malo sailboat race. "It was in 1984, on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the first voyage of explorer Jacques Cartier to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, that the very first Transat Quebec St-Malo race took place. Since then, the race has brought together, every four years, dozens of the fastest sailboats in the world and hundreds of crew members from all over the planet" (taken from Quebec government page). It is the oldest ocean race from west to east, non-stop and crewed. We are lucky enough to be here for that event so we will watch it from a chartered boat cruise. Very cool!

Despite the weather forecast which was calling for rain all weekend long, we've had good weather except for rain last night. Russell was able to use his drone and take some cool photos. 

We go home tomorrow. The rest of our week will be spent on getting ready for the arrival of Merlot and Sherlock. It's been five months since our Cooper and Spicy left us. They have taught us that we have so much love to give, so that is what we will be doing, always keeping our duo in our hearts.

I leave you with photos from Quebec City and a few throwback pics of Coop and Spicy. Happy Canada Day everyone and have a wonderful week!

Drone photo of the majestic Chateau.

Cooper and Spicy, side by side
July 1, 2022.

Happy Canada Day from Spicy and Cooper
from Edgewater park, July 1, 2023.

Canadian flag proudly flies over  Les
Plaines d'Abraham.

Iconic images of Quebec.

A night scene captured from our room turret.

Nothing better than a selfie on Les Plaines

A City full of steeples.

A distant view of the Chateau.

The Chateau dominates the landscape.

Majestic from every point of view.

The boardwalk, cannons, Canadian flag
and the Chateau.

Umbrellas adorn Rue du Cul-de
Sac...quaint perfection.

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